Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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with Bektashite monks to the summit of Mount Tomori near Berat
and there actually witnessed the sacrifice of a white bull to 'Zefs'
(p. 1171).

For other photographs, too numerous to specify in detail, I am
indebted to a host of contributors both at home and abroad. My
debt has, I think, always been acknowledged in a footnote. But
I cannot refrain from mentioning here certain cases of outstanding
interest. Mr Sidney Smith, Honorary Fellow of Queens' College
and Keeper of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities in the British
Museum, presented me with a magnificent photograph of the newly-
discovered 'Lilith' and added to his kindness by discussing with
me her status and attributes (pi. lxi). The late Dr A. H. Lloyd
gave me an exquisite plate of the golden barley found amid the
dust and dibris of a grave near Syracuse (pi. xxxi). Professors
G. M. Columba and E. Gabrici supplied a fine photograph of the
Oknos-vase at Palermo (pi. xxxvi); Professor D. M. Robinson,
several views of the Bouzyges-vase at Baltimore (pi. xlv); Professor
P. P. Jacobsthal, the print of a vase at Marseilles representing, he
holds, the oracle of Orpheus' head (pi. xviii).

Casts of coins and gems have again been sent me without
charge and without stint by the authorities of the British Museum,
to whom I am further indebted for much encouragement and
helpful talk. I am particularly beholden to Mr H. Mattingly,
Mr E. S. G. Robinson, and Mr Sidney Smith, of whose prompt
aid I have availed myself time after time with shameless per-
sistence. Mr R. B. Whitehead also was good enough to send me
a series of choice impressions from his own unrivalled store of
Bactrian coins (figs. 369, 371). Monsieur le Comte Chandon de
Briailles supplied the cast of a gem representing Kroisos on the
Pyre (fig. 329), and Mr C. D. Bicknell that of a gem in the Lewis
Collection showing Athena as a human-headed bird (fig. 608).

Permission to produce or reproduce plans and illustrations has
been generously granted by Messrs F. Bruckmann and Co. of
Munich (pis. vi, vii, xxiii, xxxvii), by Sir Arthur Evans (figs. 202,
265). by Mr N. Glueck of the American School of Oriental Re-
search, Jerusalem (fig. 876), by the Council of the Hellenic Society
(figs. 578, 579), by Dr F. Matz of the Staatliches Lindenau-Museum
at Altenburg (fig. 619), by Dr H. Meier of the Warburg Institute
(Pi- xl), by the late Mr J. E. Quibell (fig. 195), by Monsieur Richard,
Conservateur des Musees at Abbeville (fig. 888), by Miss G. M. A.