Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Zeus and the Earthquakes 7

interpolation1. But in cantos of earlier date Homer calls Poseidon
enostchthon, the ' land-shaker' (?), or ennosigaios, the 'earth-shaker
and often uses both appellatives as substitutes for his name . Pindar

1 R. C. Jebb Homer: an Introduction to the Iliad and the Odyssey- Glasgow 1887
P. 163, W. Leaf in the argument prefixed to his ed. of //. ,0 and m his book ^ Compa„ on
to the Iliad London ,892 p. 331. See, however, D. Mulder Die /has nude thre Quellen
Berlin toiop. 204 f. and in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ix. 1019.

2 The epithet ivoa^v is used of Poseidon 23 times in the /had, 18 toes «l the
0*«V(A. Gehring ^,«^V«; Lipsiae 1891 p. ^9), always in the nominate
case and always as last word of the hexameter-except Od. 3. 6

The usual locution is lIo<r«8<t»V ***»m (24 times), for which «pttw ^o«x«™ (/ t™»)
and «ipWpdur wx«m- (once, tt. II. 75') are convenient substitutes. Ei-crfx*** alone
occurs 8 times (H. Ebeling Lexicon Homericum Lipsiae 1885 i. 4^4)-

•HworiTaioi is similarly used of Poseidon 20 times in the Iliad, 6 times in the Odyssey
(A. Gehring „V. p. 288). The common phrases are 7«*>X<» *»«rtyowi (nom. 4 wnes,
acc. once, dat. twice)-extended in //. 13. 43 n«r«Sdo». ywoX<x 6Wo<ri7«os (cp. Horn.

6. 1 IWetSdc^ Me7aXo,r9e«5 ewo^rue-and /cX^ros i«/o<ri7cuos (nom. 7 times, ac .
twice). ■a,wKr£7««of alone occurs 6 times (nom. twice, voc. thrice, acc. once , enonyu
eipwe&is thrice. The word mostly occupies the end of the line, but not in II. 1- 45s. •
*». I*. 27, 20. ,0. 20. 3.0, 21. 462, Od. I.. .02, .3. .40, I: Pos. + (H. EbehngoA
at. i. 422). .. . ,„

Hence it may be inferred that the old pre-Homeric tags (supra i. 444. »• 384 n. o) to
dactylic tripodies with anacrusis were YVoveiSiwv tvoaWw and 7otl}oxos bmrlyam, tor
dactylic dipodies with anacrusis Kpeto lvofftx9av and kMto, ivvoaiyaios. In view ot e
extreme antiquity of such tags we can hardly expect their interpretation to be tree trom

The v of ivoaixBuv becomes vv in ivvoctyaios metri gratia (Cornut. thiol. 22 p. \i, 1
Lang has booiyatoy, a spelling found in late prose—Souid. bocrtyatat (cod. A gives vv
against the Wo virborum), el. mag. p. 344. 43 boalyaios, Zonar. lex. boalyau*, tavorm-
P- 213, 27 booty**) ; and the same reason suffices to explain the lengthened tirst
syllable of efco<r£0uXXoi (//. 2. 632, 2. 757. Od. 9. 22, n. 316. Simon./r^. +!• I BergK ,
52. 1 Edmonds, 40. i Diehl ap. Plout. symp. 8. 3. 4 has bvortcbvWos, Favorm. to. p. 058,
59 ^oatyuXW, Hesych. bocupiWur (A. Meineke cj. ftwtyuXM) (W. Sc"u^
OwtstUmes epicae Gueterslohae 1892 p. 159 f-)- But the common assumPtlon
query in Prellwitz Etym. Wbrterb. d. Gr. Spr.°- p. 146, without query to. p. S« an«
Boisacq /)««*. & fa Z„„^ <£. pp. 258, .080, Walde-Pokorny Worterb. d.

indogerm. Spr. i. 254 f.) that boai- bvoat- tbo*i<- are derived from b-M of
(Hesych. ft>« ■ <p0eip« and t$a,v ... 00eipu* are misleading glosses, based on a wrong inter-
Potation of //. 9. 540, 16. 260. Cp. schol. A. //. 9- 540) is thoroughly unsatisfactory,
"ex-fofl-n-s would have produced, not boots, but * blows "itvoorts *boorts (L. Meyer
Handb. d. gr. Etym. i. 4.0, K. F. W. Schmidt in the Zeitschrift fur vergletchende
Sprachforschung ,„„ xlv. 234 n. 3. Boisacq op. cit. p. 1.09 and Walde-Pokorny op.

*■ i- *SS adduce unconvincingly dm: *«™ ■■ ™">w' etc-)- Bes,<1fs' !, „'

a late compound (Ap. Rhod. 4. 1243, Plout. v. Lucutt. 28) and yields no tolerable sense.

Impressed by these difficulties I endeavoured years ago to divide b-pool-yato, (a co
Pound like in.TvpiB*rm), 'the earth-god in the water,' cp. Poll. i. 238 yr,...vbrtos(vvoros

if not also Eur. LT. 161 f. 7a£aS Wta* (so A. Kirchhoff for b rurou) I
P» this showing hoalX6o» would be a later form due, like eW<pu\XoS, to a "^conception
.903 xvii ,76). The occurrence of Zeus N&T.OS for N«r»« at MUetos (f^r«
733 n. 6, ii. 3,7 n. 2) might indeed be held to support the connexion with ,6noS, v ,
«c- and perhaps JVMkMMf (Walde Z^. pp. 516 "•f1™* »

»* '"o"). But the suggestion really makes shipwreck on the sense, which 1 now se
be nonsense. Dr B. F. C. Atkinson improved upon my notion by pointing out to me.
»9«S) that e- might be a prothetic vowel, the epithets few!***, iW-r"" denotmS