Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Zeus and the Earthquakes 27

of a quaking world. But ultimately men in general and moralists in
particular settled down to the belief that an earthquake as such was
a divine visitation meant to vindicate the power of the Creator1 or
to chasten and reform his erring creatures2.

Painters and poets, who from time to time personified the
Earthquake, naturally reverted to earlier mythological conceptions3.
Raphael in one of the marvellous tapestries designed by him (1515—
J5i6)4 for the Sistine Chapel at Rome and woven by Pieter van
Aelst of Brussels5 represented the imprisonment of St Paul at

tempus sollicitaret et deciperet fraternitatem, admirabilia quaedam et portentosa perficiens
et facere se terram moveri polliceretur: non quod daemoni tanta esset potestas ut terram
movere aut elementum concutere vi sua valeret, sed quod nonnumquam nequam spintus
praesciens et intellegens terrae motuni futurum id se facturum esse simularet quod futurum
videret. etc.). See further J. E. B. Mayor's notes on Tertull. apol. 40.

3 Obviously two could play at that game, and of the two the Christians were likely to
compile the bigger score. Cp. the leges novellas ad Theodosianum perlinentes ed. adiutore
Th. Mommseno Paulus M. Meyer Berolini 1905 p. 10 de hid. Sam. haer. et pag. 3. 8 an
diutius perferemus mutari temporum vices irata caeli temperie, quae paganorum exacerbata
perfidia nescit naturae libramenta servare? unde enim ver solitam gratiam abiuravit...nisi
quod ad inpietatis vindictam transit legis suae natura decretum?

1 E.g. Io. Chrys. in terrae motum etc. I (xlviii. 1027 Migne) etSere Qeov dvvaftiv,
(tSerc OeoC (ptXavOpuirlav; 5ivap.Lv, on m'ca£e 7171- olKOV/ihlJV■ <pi\av9puirlav, on TrlirTOVirav
»M» (o-njae- k.t.X. (perhaps in allusion to the earthquake which shook Antiocheia
on the Orontes in 396 A.D.: W. Capelle in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. Suppl. iv. 356).

' E.g. Io. Chrys. ad populiwi Antiochenum hom. 3. 7 (xlix. 57 Migne) M yap ovk
Vfovaro Ku\voai ra yeyevti/jiiva 6 Gcds; dXA' dtpfjKev, tva rods KaraippovoCvras airov iv rip
T°v avviovXov <p6fiip o-uippovtcripovt Ifryinpvt, id. in acta Apost. hom. 7. 2 (lx. 66 Migne)
P-ipv-qaOi lis, ore riff t6Xiv ypuv {ociaev 6 Geos Kal wdvres rjcrav awto-TaXixivot., ovtu r6re
"ceifoi diixeivro ■ ovids virovXos rjv, ovSels irov-qpbs. Kal yap toiovtov (p6/3os, toiovtov t) 6X~ifis.
k-t.\. (during the earthquake at Constantinople in 400 or 401 A.D.), id. in Acta Apost.
htm. 41. 2 (lx. 291 Migne) eiVt yap fioi, oi iripvaiv Mta&r 6 6eis tt\v irbXiv iraaav; rl
Sal; oixl irdpres evi to (ptirurpia ISpa/iov; k.t.X. (at Constantinople in 399 A.D.), Phdastrius
diversarum hereseon liber 102. 1—3 Fabricius (74. 1—3 Marx) alia est heresis quae terrae
motum non dei iussione et indignatione fieri, sed de natura ipsa elementorum opinatur,...
quod etiam in huiusmodi rebus indignatio dei et potentia operatur et suam commovet
creaturam conversionis causa et utilitatis quippe multorum peccantium ac redeuntium ad
dominum salvatorem atque creatorem (written c. 385—391 A.D.: M. Schanz Geschichte
d'r romischen Litteratur Mtinchen 1904 iv. 1. 359), Philostorg. eccl. hist. 12. 9 (Ixv. 617 c
Migne) Kal iXXa &e ToiovrbTpoira Td8rj t-qviKavra heuxptwffy, SeiKvvvra p.y (pvo-ncj nvt ravra
*potX6uv dKoXovBla, lis 'EXXr/vwv iraiSes Xi)pov<riv, dXXi Belas dyavaKT^trcws fido-nyas
t'ofrBfyat, id. ib. 12. 10 (lxv. 620 A Migne) tin dia<p6pois imxeiptp-ai" KaTwrKtidfrtr
TeiPaTai tous 0-uo-p.ovs p.Trre 5ii TX-qn/ivpav vUtwv <rvi'l<TTa<r6ai, /lyre vvevp-druv ivaroXa/ip-
<*oit&>m toU KiXron Tys yrjs, dXXa p.y6t yv* nvos (an leg. r<><(?) SXw; vapp/KXlo-ei, pivr,
' TV Bila yvwuri irpit iiric-rpocpriv Kal iiipduaiv twv dp.apTavop.ivuv (published c. 425
433 A.D.: W. Christ Geschichte dcr griechischen Litteratur6 ii. 2. 1433).

3 Not so Chrysostom, who in purely rhetorical vein personifies the Antiochene earth-
quake as a herald announcing God's anger (Io. Chrys. in terrae motum etc. 1 (xlvm. 1027
f- Migne)) and even makes him on another occasion quote Ps. 103. 8 (Io. Chrys. hom.
Post terrae motum (1. 7i+f. Migne)).

1 H. Knackfuss Raphael trans. C. Dodgson Bielefeld—Leipzig 1899 p. 102.
5 H. Strachey Raphael London 1900 p. 30.