Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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40 Zeus and the Clouds in Art

The convex circular field is admirably suggestive of a cosmic scene.
Above a thick stratum of cloud sit the Capitoline three. Iupiter in
the centre, with a himdtion draped round his knees and over his left
shoulder, has a small twisted thunderbolt in his right hand1 and
a long sceptre in his left. At his right side Minerva, in chiton,

himdtion, and helmet, holds a short sceptre in one hand and raises
the other as if she grasped a spear2. At his left side is Iuno, in

1 The thunderbolt, though present in the position indicated supra ii. 754 ff., ;s
minimised and liable to confusion with the lines of the arm and hand.

2 Cp. e.g. a terra-cotta lamp of s. iii. a.d., which figures the Capitoline deities all
seated and puts a spear in the raised right hand of Minerva (Brit. Mus. Cat. Lamps
p. 167 no. 1110 fig. 234). The motif is normal in the standing type of the Capitoline
Minerva [e.g. supra i. 44 fig. 13, 45 fig. 14). The omission of the spear on the onyx may
imply that the pose was modified into a gesture of entreaty or the like (C. Sittl Die
Gebarden der Griechen und Rimer Leipzig 1890 pp. 51, 188 ff.).