Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Zeus and the Clouds in Art


chiton, himdtion, and veil. She too holds a short sceptre in one hand
and with the other extends a patera towards Iupiter. The triad is
flanked by a pair of nude beardless wind-gods blowing conch-shells1
as they emerge from the cloudy band. Beneath the clouds Sol in
a quadriga pursues Luna in a biga: he is distinguished by his
chlamys and radiate crown, she by her arched drapery and crescent.
Lowest of all reclines Oceanus portrayed as an elderly river-god
with water flowing from his urn2. The Capitoline group as here
represented resembles so closely—even to the modified gesture of
Minerva's hand—the same group as it appears on bronze medallions
of Antoninus Pius (fig. u)3 and of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius
Verus (fig. 12)4 that we may fairly attribute the intaglio to a period
not much later than the middle of the second century A.D. Similar
. in age and motif'are two, if not three,gems in our national collection5.
Ultimately the deities, seated or standing, are accompanied by their
favourite birds—graphic labelling of the usual sort (figs. 13. H)-6
It is interesting to observe that the whole subject was used with
happy effect in the decoration of a terra-cotta lamp, now at Berlin
(fig- !5)7, which—to judge from its heart-shaped nozzle—can be
referred to the third century A.D.8

1 F. Piper Mythologie und Symbolik der christlichen Kitnst Weimar 1851 L 2. 437.
H. Steinmetz in the /ahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1910 xxv. 37 ff.

" P. Weizsacker in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 817 f. fig. I, O. Navarre in Daremberg—
Saglio Diet. Ant. iv. i44.

3 Frohner Med. emp. rom. p. 49 fig. (Paris) = Cohen Monn. emp. rom.2 ii. 380 f- n0-
"34 fig- (= my fig. 11) (Paris) (Minerva 'porte la main droite a sa tete') = E. Aust ill
Roscher Lex. Myth. ii. 758 fig., Gnecchi Medagl. Rom. ii. 16 no. 66 pi. 50, 5 a bronze
medallion of Antoninus Pius (140—143 a.d.) with obv. legend antoninvs avg Pivs p p
tr P cos in (Milan).

4 Cohen Monn. emp. rom.-iii. 130 no. 5 {'Autrefois M. Carpeutier') (Minerva 'porte
la main droite a sa tete') = Gnecchi Medagl. Rom. ii. 43 no. 6 pi. 71, 6 (= my fig- l»)
a medallion, in two bronzes, of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus (161—165 a.d.) with
obv. legend imp antoninvs avg cos ii[i] imp vervs cos ii (Berlin).

6 (1) a sapphirine chalcedony (Brit. Mus. Cat. Gems1 p. 143 no. 1257 pi. 18,
*urtwangler Ant. Gemmen i pi. 44, 48, ii. 215, H. B. Walters Art of the Romans London
'9" pi. 48, 21). (2) a sard (Brit. Mus. Cat. Gems* p. 143 no. 1258 pi. 18). (3) a frag-
mentary sard, minus the upper part of Minerva (Brit. Mus. Cat. Gems2 p. 143 n0- 1259)-

6 Nos. 7228 and 8889 in the Wilson Collection of Gem-impressions (supra p. 39 n. 6).
Scale f.

7 In the Berlin Museum terra cotta no. 871 figured by L. Beger Thesauri Regit el
Electoralis Brandenburgici vol. iii (Colonia; Marchica; s.a.) p. 439 f- H' P"
Bartoli—G. P. Bellori Le antiche lucerne sepolcralifigurate Roma 1704 Pt. ii. p. 4 {- P1- 9
(=my fig. ,5), H. Moses A Co/lection of Vases... London 1814 pi. 81 (after Bartoli), cp.
°- Jahn Archaologischc Beitrdge Berlin 1847 p. 83, F. Piper op. cit. i. 2. 435.

8 J- Fink in the Sitzungsber. d. kais. bayr. Akad. d. Wiss. Phil.-hist. Classe 1900
P- 685 ff. 'Formen und Stempel romischer Thonlampen' (Class iv), Brit. Mus. Cat.
Lamps pp. xxv, t67 ff