Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Nephelokokkygia 47

phantine statue of Athena with a cock on her helmet, said to be the work of Pheidias, on
the akrSpolis of Elis (Paus. 6. 26. 3, cp. Plin. nat. hist. 35. 54 where the same (?) statue
is attributed to Kolotes the pupil of Pheidias: see further H. Hitzig-H. Bliimner on
Paus. loc. a/.). A bronze formerly in the cabinet of St Germain des Prez represents
Athena wearing a helmet the crest of which is supported by a cock (Montfaucon Antiquity
Explained trans. D. Humphreys London 1721 i. 82 f. pi. 39, 19 ^ Hernialhena'!) = Reinach
Aep.Stat. 11. 276 no. 10). Another bronze at Agram makes her crest-support an owl
(J. Brunsmid 'Monuments du Musee d'Agram' in the Viestnik 1914 [VJesmk N. S. xiii
1913/1914] P- 212 cited by Keinach Rip. Slat. v. 120 no. 9). A third, in the Bammeville
collection, repeats the motif (\\. Frohner Collection de feu M. Joly de Bammeville Paris
1893 pi. i9=Reinach Rip. Slat. ii. 278 no. 9).

-.J E". V°.n Lasau,x DerEid beidrn Griechen Wurzburg 1844 p. 27 f. and R. Hirzel Der
Leipzig I902 pp. 96 n. 2, 100 n. 3 collect most of the passages that bear on this
curious practice. From them we learn (a) that Rhadamanthys would not suffer his
subjects to take an oath by the gods, but bade them swear by goose, dog, ram, etc., and
W that Sokrates conformed to the same usage, swearing by dog, plane-tree, etc. Cp.
Mat. *P01> *\ E, Gorg. 466 c, Phaedr. 228 B, rep. 399 E, Phaed. 98 E rl, rbv K6va, Gorg.
401 A /lA rov Ktra, Gorg. 482 B (A rbv Kvva rbv Aiyvrrrlwv debv, Phaedr. 236 D—E S/JWDpu-
rr)v irXaravov ravr-qvi.

Sosikrates (on whom see Laqueur in Pauly-Wissowa Real-Enc. iii a. 1160-1165)
V?ma frag. 5 (Frag. hist. Gr. iv. 5oi Miiller) ap. schol. Aristoph. av. 521 AdpTwv
0 iM»v<n: (ruv eUr) Sambva,v. on (F. Diibner cj. oi) wpdroi ol SuiKpanKol iirerr,bev<Tav
Wn-Z Tf <so J' -^eursius and L. Kiister for 2wKPdrVs) yap iv rtf §' (so

. mdorf for i?) rwv KprrnKwv ovrm <pwl "'Pooa,uai<0i/s de SoKel Siabe'dpevos rr/v
pa<ri\emv oW<Wos yeyevijaffai rrdvrwv dvOpurrav. Xiyerac 5i avrbv rrpQrov ovSiva idv
opKovs jrou^ea, Kara rCv 6eQv, dXX' 0)lvimL KeXcdo-dl x^a Kal Kiva Kai Kpi6v Kai ra
ima) (goose, dog, ram). This is abridged by Souid. s.v. Adp.trwv 6p»vm rbv XW,

o fT°S ™* (g°0Se' d°g' ram) and «* X** 'A^»«' (Soose, ram).
^ bchol. lat. apol. 21 E vr) rbv Kiva' 'VaSapdvBvos op/cos ovros 6 koto Kvvbs rj Xvvbs
V KptoS V nvos dXXou tokhW « oh ij, pjytaros SpKos dram XbyV Kim, \ (retro. XrjV
tteovs 5 ec-cyuv, Kparlvos XeipU<n {frag. ,, (Frag. com. Gr. ii. 155 f. Meineke, who with
I. Uusiord would divide the lines \byV \ «W, not kvw, \ (weira)). Kara roirwv de'
vbp.os opvvvu, Era pr, Kara 6eQv oi &pKot ylypumu. roiovroi 5i koI ol ZuKpdrovs SpKOt
(aog, goose, ram). This is copied by the schol. V.G. Loukian. vit. auct. 16 (dog,
goose, plane, ram), Phot. lex. s.v. -VaU^dvdvoi 6>-os (goose, dog, plane, ram),
bouid. s.v. Paoapdvdvos bpKos (goose, dog, plane, ram), Apostol. i5. 17 (goose, dog,
Plane ram), Arsen. p. 423 f. Walz (goose, dog, plane, ram), and in part by Zenob.
5" 1 (goose, dog), Hesych. s.v. Pabapdvffvos opKos (goose, dog) and s.v. xVva bp.vieiv
(goose), Makar. 7. 49 (ram, swan, vegetables), cp. Append, prov. 2. 91 Evpivlbeios
pKos- lo-u, 0 Kara Kvvbs rj XV"bs (where E. L. von Leutsch notes: 'Euripides Socraticus
hoc lmitatus est') (dog, goose).

Further allusions in Loukian. vit. auct. 16 £S2. Kal fir), 6p.vio> y( 001 rbv K<n>a Kal ryv
■xXaravov ovrwrair lXew. QXHTHi'. HpaKXeis riji drowias rCiv deCiv. SJ2. rl <rb Myets;
» OKet croi 0 kvwv elvai 0c6s; ovX bp$s tw 'Avov§iv ev AtyiiTrrtp ocros; Kal rbv iv oipavip
-cpiov Kal rbv irapd roh Kara Ktppepov; (dog, plane), /carom. 9 oi de Kara kvvuv Kal
Xvvwv Kai vXardvuv e*6/xvvvro (dog, goose, plane), TheophiL ad Autol. 3. 2 p. 151
rbv " U"^^,','7f''■■•~'w*'V>ar,)'' T0 bp#ietv rbv Kvva Kal rbv Xr)va Kal rrpi irXdravov Kal

v Kepawustiivra 'Ao-kXhitciov Kal ra Saiptbvia a eireKaXeiro; (dog, goose, plane), Tert.
.. ' '4 tace0 ^e philosophis, Socrate contentus, qui in contumeliam deorum quercum et
iioiClln]'lLt Canem dderabat <oak' goat' d°S) = adual. 1. 10 taceo de philosophis, quos...

nnullos etiam afflatus veritatis adversus deos erigit: denique et Socrates in contumeliam
t-orum quercum et canem et hircum iurat (oak, dog, goat), Athen. 370 a—c (Nik. frag.
a ascription of the Kpdftfhf) "fr /idrrw \ax4"0urt raXxudyoroi irirovaw." pt)irore Si
iKavbpos pdvriv KiKXr/Ke ttjc Kpdn^rjv, iepdv ovaav, iirel Kal Trap' 'lirirAvaKTi iv rocs
'"Aipois (Jrag. 37 Bergk4, 40 Diehl) earl ti Xeyb/xevov roiovrov "6 S' iioXto-ffuv Uireve rr)v