Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The Tritopatores or Tritopatreis 129

In art, as H. Steinmetz1 pointed out, wind-gods approximate to
the Tritonian type. Lucian2 touches in the portrait of Thrasykles
the philosopher with a few effective phrases:

'Here he comes—beard all a-spread, eyebrows arched, arrogance in the air,
an up-against-Olympos look, the tresses waving over his forehead, a very Boreas
or Triton in the manner of Zeuxis.'

En revanche Triton, blowing a blast with his sonorous conch, easily
takes on the duties of a wind-god. A mosaic3 found in 1833 at Saint
Rustice, north-west of Toulouse, among the ruins of a Roman bath,
represents a huge head of Okeanos4 surrounded by various marine
subjects. These include sea-divinities mounted on Tritons, all
^belled in Greek lettering of the third century A.D.5 Adjacent
bays on the right show Thetis carried by Triton, Panopea by Borios;
°n the left, Doto by Nynphogenes, Palemon and 1116 by Glafikos. The
artist's signature is incomplete—...genios Sikiliotes. Here then we
have a genuine Triton wearing a fish-skin as a chlamys, but actually
bearing the name of a wind-god B6r{e)ios. More than that, one
interesting monument made Triton in a sense the ruler of all the
Winds that blow. The Horologion of Andronikos Kyrrhestes8, built at

1 H. Steinmetz ' Windgotter' in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1910 xxv. 35
' I3> F. R. Dressier in Roscher Lex. Myth. v. 1203.

Loukian. Tim. 54 ak\d tl tovto; ov Gpacru/cX^s 6 (pL\6<ro<pos oiV6s eaTLV; ov fxtv ovv
^Xos" e/fTrerdtras yovv tov Trtbytcva Kal rds 6<ppds dvardvas kol fiptvdvdfievos tl wpbs ai>Tov
'jf^eTCU' rtTa""'>es fiXerwv, dvaaeo'o^Tjfj.evos tt\v i-nl rw p.iT&-KLp Kop.r\v, AtVo/3opeas ris f)
PlTuv, olovs 6 ZeO£is (ypa\j/cv.

]■ de Witte in the Bull. d. Inst. 1834 pp. 157—159, A. L. C. A. Du Mege in the
lstoire et Mimoires de Vacadimie royale des sciences, inscriptions et belles-lettres de Toulouse
—(Toulouse 1837) iv. 2. 30—51, id. Archiologie pyre'nienne Toulouse 1858
Atlas i pi. i+) Reinach Rip. Feint. Gr. Rom. p. 38 no. 1.

P. Gauckler in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. iii. 2115 n. xo.
5 Inscr. Gr.Sic. It. no. 2519a re N j IOC || CIK1! Al CO | TH C, b TTANOTTHA II
?°PloC, c 06TIC II TPITCON, d ACOTCO || NYN*0|r£NHC, TAAYkoC ||

/ , J- Stuart and N. Revett The Antiquities of Athens London 1762 i. 13—25 with pis. 1
dial?' ' ^'an)' 3 (restoration), 4 (vertical section), 5—9 (architectural detail), iof. (sun-
, j/' 12—19 (wind-gods), J. Matz in Baumeister Denkm. iii. 2112—2115 figs. 2365 (chart),
3| 6 (restoration), 2367 (vertical section), 2368 (plan), 2369 (klepsydra), Harrison Myth.

*• Anc. Ath. pp. 200—203 fig. 9, Collignon Hist, de la Sculpt, gr. ii. 615 f. fig. 324
^ggteas)> Frazer Pausanias ii. 187 f., E. A. Gardner Ancient Athens London 1902 pp. 24,
+91 (date either s. ii or early in s. i b.c.) with fig., W. Judeich Topographie von
en Miinchen 1905 pp. 92 n. 11 (date s. i b.c.), 333 f. with fig. 41, id.- 1931 pp. 97,
3'4f., Reinach Rep. Reliefs i. 57.

^ * Graindor in Le Musi'e Beige 1906 x. 353 ft", and in Byzantion 1926 iii. 29 ff. notes
iscovery in Tenos, about the year 1906, of a tower like that of the Winds at Athens.
\y neVV lower nas an inscription (Inscr. Gr. ins. v. 2 no. 891, cp. A. Rehm in Pauly—
Wa^So^'a Real-Enc. viiL 2427) which shows that Andronikos, the constructor of both,
in .a native of Kyrrhos in Makedonia (not Kyrrhos in Syria) and that the tower at Athens
st be dated in the time of Iulius Caesar.

C Hi. q