Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Zeus Ourios, tkmenos^ Eudnemos, Boreios 145

(fig. 58)1. These comprise a fine gateway of Parian marble flanked
by two columns some 18 ft high; they rest on a great marble
threshold and are spanned by a lintel 12 ft 6 ins long and 6 ft
broad. Above this rises an archway in the castle-wall, topped by
a Byzantine cross; and finally a marble slab on the right-hand
tower is inscribed with the ancient formula 'The light of Christ
shineth over all2.' It is possible that a large Ionic capital found by
E. D. Clarke on the neighbouring headland of Argyronion came, as
he supposed3, from the same site. Philostratos of Lemnos in the
first half of the third century A.D. describes a picture of the Bosporos,
and bids us notice various details of its coast-scenery 'until we reach
Hieron. And'—he continues—T think you can see the temple
there and stelai set round it and the beacon at the mouth of the straits,
hung aloft as a signal to ships sailing from the Pontos4.' One at least
of the said stelai5 has come down to us—a marble base found by
J. Spon and G. Wheler on their Levantine tour (1675—1676) in a
house near the church of Kadi-Kioi (Kalchedon), and now preserved

1 J. Millingen in The Illustrated London News for Dec. 12, 1863 p. 592 f. with woodcut
( = my fig. 58). See further Sir J. E. Sandys' n. on Dem. Lept. 36.

2 R. A. S. Macalister The Excavation of Gezer 1Q02—1905 and igoy—^909 London
'912 p. 357 pi. 104, 3 (tomb 147), p. 366 f. pi. no, 10 (tomb 160), p. 376 f. pi. 118, 16
('omb 196) and C. M. Kaufmann Handbuch der christlichen Archdologie- Paderborn 1913
P- 60C publish lamps from Gezer, Jerusalem, etc. with the liturgical phrase <pws Xpicrrov
mvi ( — tpalvni) TrS.au> i)/ilv variously distorted, abbreviated, and amplified. Cp. F. Miltner
ln the Jahresh. d. oest. arch. Inst. ig2g xxiv Beiblatt p. 175 f. no. 77 fig. 74 (0iis Xpiarov
Valvei vaaiv iv oiK<p). This legend is accompanied by a stylised form of the seven-branched
candlestick. I add two similar lamps in my possession, one (fig. 59, a, 6, c) said to have
come from Samaria, the other (fig. 60) from Ain el Sultan on the site of Jericho. Such
lamps suggest that the inscription recorded by Millingen had reference to a cresset or
beacon—perhaps the irvpabt mentioned by Philostr. mai. imagg. 1. 12. 5 [infra n. 4) and
handsomely illustrated in the tabula Peutingeriana [supra p. 143 fig. 57).

E. D. Clarke op. cil.4 ii. 440 f.: ' We there found the capital of a very antient column,
°f the Ionic order, not less than two feet and an half in diameter. It had been hollowed ;
and it now serves as a vase, near to the residence of the Dervish, who relates the idle
uPerstitions of the country concerning the mountain, and the giant supposed to be there
uried' [sc. Amykos, as Clarke notes, citing Val. Flacc. 4. 200 gigans. See further
W. Stoll in Roscher Lex. Myth. i. 327, K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa Keal-Enc.
g 2000, Gruppe Gr. Myth. Mel. pp. 320 n. 5, 570 n. 2, Preller—Robert Gr. Myth. ii.

42 ff.]. Clarke ii.* p. 441 n. 6: 'During a subsequent visit to the same place, the author
*as accompanied by Mons. Preaux, artist in the service of Mr. Spencer Smith, late
. llnister at the Porte. Mons. Preaux made a drawing of this Ionic capital; which is now
In Mr. Smith's possession.'

, n -Philostr. mai. imagg. [. 12. 5—<=<tt av icp' 'lepbv dcpLKi^fieda. Kal rbv tuti ve&v olfxai
P?s Kal tTTrfKas, at TrtpdopvvTai (so C. L. Kayser for ireplbpvvTai Lugd. alt. -rrapldpuvrai cet.)
1VtV, Kai Tbv eirl r$ arb/MiTi irvpabv, 8s t)ptt)t<u (J. J. Reiske and H. A. Hamaker cjj.

a') e$ <j>pvKTOiplav twv vewv, at ir\eov<ri.v ck toO HbvTov.
. For another see Michaelis in the Arch. Zeit. 1864 xxii. 198—202 pi. 192. This slab
£n°w at Berlin [Ant. Skulpt. Berlin p. 383 f. no. 94; fig., R. Kekule von Stradonitz
" griechische Skulptur2 Berlin 1907 p. 173 fig.).
