Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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158 Zeus Ourios, tkmenos^ Eudnemos, Boreios

Androgeos, 'The man of earth'1, might fairly be dubbed Eurygyes,
'He of the broad acres'2. It should also be noticed that the names
Androgeos and Eurygyes are Greek, not pre-Greek; which means
that we have to do with a genuine Hellenic, not 'Minoan,' hero. It
is therefore interesting to find that at Phaleron, where he had an
altar, he was worshipped not only as a nameless 'hero'3, but also
more definitely as 'the hero astern'4. This expression might no
doubt be taken to imply that an actual effigy of Androgeos was
fixed on the vessel's poop5, like that of the bifrontal Lithuanian
Wejopatis6 or those of the dwarfish Phoenician Pdtaikoi1 (figs. 68,69)8.

1 W. Pape—G, E. Benseler Worterbuch dergriechischen Eigennamen3 Braunschweig
1875 i. 87 ' Erdmann.'

2 Eid. ib. i. 420 'Breitefeld, wo nicht *Breitwirbel, wie Breitkopf,' F. Hiller von
Gaertringen in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 1328 'Der Besitzer des weiten Saatfeldes
(yyua) ist der Unterweltsgott oder sein heroischer Stellvertreter.' But F. Bechtel—A. Fick
Die Griechischen Personennamcn'1 Gottingen 1894 p. 385 : '--ytiijs zu yia " Hand"? Vgl-
iyyiii), yvaXov; iyyva\l£a. TZvpv-yvtis hiess audi 'AvSpo-yews (-yrj/os?).'

3 Paus. 1. 1.4 iari Si (sc. at Phaleron) rai 'AvSpoyew f3u/j.bi rod Mi'cw, jcaAen-cu Si
"Hpwos- ' AvSpoyew Si opto, iffaatv oh e<TTiv iwi/j.e'Xis to iyxwpia ffafpio-Tepof aWwv eTriaTaaBai.

4 Clem. Al. prolr. 1. 40. 2 p. 30, 20 Stahlin rifuxTai Si tis Kdl 'iaX-qpot Kara irpvp-vav
ripm with schol. ad. loc. p. 309, 13 ff. Stahlin 'I>aX?j/)ei)s \ipvi\v tt}s 'Attlktjs' 6 Si Kara
Trpvpivas ijpcos 'AvSpoyedis io~Tii», vibs M/pwos, ovtcos dvofj.ao'deh brt Kara rds irpuftvas rav vqwv
iSpvro. Kai Ka\\ifj.axos iv S' twv AItIuv fiifivriTai (frag. 3313 Schneider = Atria 4 frag. 3
Schneider, A. W. Mair).

5 So schol. Clem. Al. loc. cit. (supra n. 4). « Supra ii. 445 n. 1.

7 Hdt. 3. 37 iaTi yap rod 'HcpalcfTov (sc. Ptah at Memphis : supra i. 433, ii. 34 n- :)
rcuyaXyiia toio~l Qqivlktiloio-i HaTa'tnoiei ifKpepicrrarov, toi)s oi QoiviKes iv ry<rL irpibprjO'l tuv
rpi-qpiiov Trepiayov<ri. 8s Si roirovi tiT) oirwire, wSe o-r]ixapia- Trvyfialov avSpbs jii/jUTjcris iffrt-
The lexicographers place these little figures on the poop, not the prow (Hesych. s.V.
ilaraiKot (so M. Schmidt for JIaTai'(foi cod., cp. Herodian. 7rcpi /ca(?o\iKrjs irpoacpSlas 6
(i. 151, 9 Lentz) HaraiKos, id. irepl Spdoypatpias (ii. 424, 18 Lentz) UdraiKos, Theognost-
Byz. can. 326 in Cramer anecd. Oxon. ii. 60, 25 f. HaraiKos) • 6eoi <£oiWes, 08? lo-Taffi Kara
rds ivpiixvas ruv vewp, Souid. s.v. ITdraiKOi1 dcol <&oiviklk6L iv rah irpvtivais ISpvfiivoi). But
Herodotos' statement is borne out by the numismatic evidence (infra n. 8).

Pataikos appears to have been the Phoenician form of the Egyptian Ptah (see J. Ilberg
in Roscher Lex. Myth. Hi. 1675 ff.) in the misshapen, but negrillo rather than 'embryonic,
type Ptah-Seker (Lanzone Dizion. di Mitol. Egiz. p. 243 ff. pis. 98, 1, 99, I—4> I0°'
1—5, 101, 2, Perrot—Chipiez Hist, de VArt iii. 418 ff. fig. 293), which from the eighteenth
dynasty down to Ptolemaic times often occurs as an amulet (A. Erman A Handbook of
Egyptian Religion trans. A. S. Griffith London 1907 p. 76 fig. 51, Sir W. M. Flinders
Petrie Amulets London 1914P. 38 pi. 31 fig. 176 a—m, pi. 46 fig. 176 «, /,pl.47 fig. ifi0-
I illustrate a single and a double amulet of Ptah-Seker, in green glaze, from my collection
(figs. 66, 67)) and presumably served a prophylactic purpose. On Ptah-Seker as a dwarfish
deified ancestor see further H. R. Hall in J. Hastings Encyclopcedia of Religion and Ethics
Edinburgh 1908 i. 441 b, D. MacRitchie ib. 1912 v. 123 a, 126 a, Sir W. M. Flinders
Petrie ib. 1912 v. 249 a, G. Foucart ib. 1912 v. 855 a, 856 a. Such an apotrdpaion would
be useful on land as well as at sea, cp. Hesych. s. w. Tiyypwv (so M. Schmidt for Vn'"iV
cod., cp. Eustath. in Od. p. 1599, 1 Tiyypuv, p. 1880, 64 Yiyp&v), ol Si TiywV HaraiKos
iwiTpairi&os (so J. Selden for TraraiKbs iiriwaTaiKbs rpairifros cod.), oi Si Alyirriov 'HpaK^a
and EvqipdSris- ndrai/cos iiriTpaTri^os (so M. Musurus for iraraiKbs {TriTpairifrios cod.).

8 Double shekels of Sidon, struck in s. iv B.C., show as their obverse type a Phoenician