Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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160 Zeus Ortrios, ikmenosi Euanemos, Boreios

But to my ear it suggests rather that Androgeos unseen followed
the ship's trail and supplied her with a steady breeze, much as Boreas
with puffed cheeks blows along the raft of Odysseus on a grotesque
vase from the Theban Kabeirion (fig. 70)1. In either case it is clear
that in the Ionian, as in the Aeolian, area the wind following aft
might be attributed to, nay more, might be identified with, an
ancestral spirit.

Nor were the Dorians wholly untouched by the same supersti-
tion, for at Sparta there was a sanctuary of Zeus Eudnemos, the
'Giver of a Good Wind2.' But here an obvious difficulty must be

Fig.70. •; ;■'

met. How comes it that this deity, appropriate to a seafaring folk,
was worshipped so far inland? A reasonable answer is given by
S. Wide3, who observes that beside the sanctuary of Zeus Eudnemos

Hon phenicienne Paris 1926 p. 295 f., L. Deubner in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch- arch-
Inst. 1927 xlii. 180 ff. figs. 12—15, F. Behn in Ebert Reallex. xi. 238 with pi. 60, «42
with pi. 62, 248 with pi. 64.

1 P. Gardner Cat. Vases Oxfordp. 18 f. no. 262 pi. 26 ( = my fig. 70), M. Bieber £<e
Denkmaler ztim Theatei-wesen im Altertum Berlin und Leipzig 1920 p. 154 fig. I34> "
Malerei u. Zeichnung d. Gr. ii. 717. The subject is a parody of Od. 5. 291 ff.; but note
that here the trident is transferred from Poseidon to Odysseus!

2 Gerhard Gr. Myth. i. 169, Welcker Gr. Gotterl. ii. 195, Preller—Robert Gr. My"'-
i. 118, H. Usener Gbtternamen Bonn 1896 p. 260, id. 'Gottliche Synonyme' to tne
Rhein. Mus. 1898 liii. 346 ( = id. Kleine Schriften Leipzig—Berlin 1913 iv. 276), GrupPe
Gr. Myth. Mel. p. 834 n. 9, O. Jessen in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 843. ^

Eytipe/Aoj, the appellative of Zeus, = ev-liveixos (Scholl—Studemund anecd. i-

264 b

'Emdera Ai4s...no. 38 (37) eiyvtuov, 266 'E7r£0£ra At6i...no. 37 (38) ev-qvip-ov). ,
A modern parallel to Zeus Eudnemos may be found in Buenos Aires, 'Good Winds
(W. Sturmfels Etymologisches Lexikon deutscher undfremdlandischer Ortsnamen Berlin"^
Bonn 1925 p- 28). The town owes its name to 'Our Lady of the Favourable Win
(A.J. Lamoureux in The Encyclopedia Britannica11 Cambridge 1910 iv. 754 notes
it was first founded by P. de Mendoza in 1535 as Santa Maria de Buenos Ayres).

3 Wide Lakon. Kulte p. 10.