Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Hephaistos and Athena 209

headed by Hephaistos and Athena, the former bearing sword1 and
shield, the latter helmet and spear2. Since the whole composition
is ingeniously built up of pre-existing types3, we must suppose that
Hephaistos and Athena as armourers were already sufficiently
familiar. In this capacity we can trace them further afield. Crude
Provincial reliefs from Heddernheim (figs. 128, 129)4 show a group

Fig. 129.

--o *

1 On the famous ^iXaipa made by Hephaistos for Peleus (Hes. frag. 110 Flach, 79
Rzach ap. schol. Pind. Nem. 4. 9S; schol. Pind. Nem. 4. 88; schol. Aristoph. nub. 1063;
Zenob. 5. 20, Makar. 5. 86; Souid. s.v. fUya <ppovti y.SX\ov rj n>\™« twi rjj ftaxaW see
L- Blocli in Roscher Lex. Myth. iii. 1831 f. Other 'H^ato-rAreu/cTo are listed by Gruppe
Gr-Myth. Rel. p. 1309 f. and C. Picard in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. v. 998.

2 Cheiron presented Peleus with a spear made of ash-wood from Mt Pehon (/'■ 1 •
'43 i.~ib. 10. 39o f., Cypria frag. 2 Kinkel ap. schol. a.d. //. 16. 140, Apollod. 3. 13- 5-
The schol. a.d. //. 16. 140 adds 0a<rl Sk'k6wi»i*» a*r4,"H*a«rrw Si Karaffxevdffai).

3 W. Helbig op. cit. ii. 437.

4 E. Maass Die Tagesgbtler in Rom undden Provinzen aus der Kulturdes Niederganges
C in. !4