Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Hephaistos and Athena

winter1. Apollonios of Achamai, a writer on Athenian festivals,
states that the rite was observed by all the craftsmen, especially the
coppersmiths, of Athens. Souidas remarks that some called it the
Athenaia, while others described it as a festival of the whole folk2.
It was, he adds, an ancient festival once celebrated by all the people,
which had come to be viewed as an affair of the artisans only, since
Hephaistos had wrought bronze in Attike. Phanodemos the
Atticist even denied that Athena had any part or lot in it3. But
here, as V. von Schoeffer4 points out, he must have been mistaken,
for this was the day on which the priestesses with the Arrhephoroi
began to weave Athena's peplosh. Moreover, we have no sufficient

yiypa-wrai 5i Kai lAevdvdpui dpcLpr.a XaX/ce?a. Souid. s.v. XaA/ceia ■ ioprrj 'Adrjvrjo-Lv, a rtves
''A&r)vaia koXovgiv • oi 5e TLdvdr}p.ov 8ia to vtto iravrtov ayecrdac, XaXtfeta bis* ioprrj dpxaia
Kai dr/fj.Lo5rjs 7raXcu, varepov 8i vtto ixbvtov fjyero rG)v rexv-rQv, on 6 "H^atcrros iv rrj ' ArTLKrj
XaKicbv elpydaaro. ion Si 'ivy] Kai via roO Hvave\f/i.S>vos- iv rj Kai < ai (ins. A.13. C.) > Upeiai
jxerd tCiv dppr)<p6pcov rbv iriir\ov Sid^ovrai, XaXKeia ter- ioprrj Trap' 'Adr/vatois k.t.\. (from
Harpokr. loc. cit.). Souid. XaX/ceia bis is repeated by the et. mag. p. 805, 43 ff. and in
part by Eustath. hi II. p. 284, 36 f. Harpokr. XaX/ce?a is transcribed in extenso by
Favorin. lex. p. 1854, 27 ff.

1 See the diagram supra i. 691 fig. 511.

2 On the connotation of the word iravSr/fios see W. Dittenberger ' AI0NTS02
AHM0TEAH2' in Hermes 1891 xxvi. 474 ff. citing Zeus Xlavdr]p.oi (Corp. inscr. Att.

iii. 1 no. 7, 17 f. [rod Aids ro]u 'JZXevBeptov Kai rrpb\[rod lepov---r]ou A(6s rod HavSr)[p.ov].

Cp. ^(m'-autonomous bronze coins of Synnada with obv. head of I6VC TTAN-
AHMOC, rev. CVNNAAeHN IftNHN Mt Persis(?) (Imhoof-Blumer Choix de

Fig- 134- F'g- '35-

1nonn.gr.1 pi. 6, 194 (= my fig. 134), id. Monn.gr. p. 413 no. 157, Weber Cat. Corns
iii. 2 no. 7181 pi. 256) or CVNNA A6HN Amaltheia holding infant Zeus with goat
at her feet (Imhoof-Blumer Monn. gr. p. 413 no. 158) and imperial bronze coins of
the same town with rev. Zeus enthroned with Nike in right hand and sceptre in left
[IJEYCTTANAHMOCCYN NAAEflN (Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Phrygia p. 399
no. 39 Domitian (=my fig. 135 from a cast)), Z6VCC TTANAH[MOC] CVNNA"
A6H N (Imhoof-Blumer Kleinas. Milnzen i. 294 no. 14 Nerva, now at Berlin), 01
AIA TTANAHMON CVNNACIC (sic) (Mionnet Descr. de mid. ant. iv. 368 no. 987
Nerva) or EYNNAAEI E (id. ibid, and Suppl. vii. 622 no. 593 Nerva, after D. Sestiw
Descrizione di altre medaglie greche del Museo del Signore Carlo cPOttavio Fontana di
Trieste Firenze 1829 iii. 80. For the legend see supra ii. 950 f. fig. 842 AIA IAAION
IAI6IC), Head Hist, num.1 p. 686).

3 Cp. Poll. 7. 105 XaX*:eia ioprrj iv rrj'ArriKrj 'Hcpalorov iepd.

4 V. von Schoeffer in Pauly—Wissowa Keal-Enc. iii. 2067.

5 Souid. s.v. XaXxeia bis (cited sxcpj-a p. 212 n. o) — et. mag. p. 805, 46 f.