Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Hephaistos and Athena


reason to doubt Souidas' statement that the festival itself was
sometimes called the Athenaia1. Indeed, a fragmentary inscription
found on the Akropolis might be held to connect the goddess with
the Chalkeia2. On the whole we are justified in concluding that
the festival was common to both deities, but that Hephaistos
hulked bigger at it than Athena. En revanche, in the Erechtheion,
where Athena Polids had the whole of the eastern chamber, Heph-
aistos was content with a mere altar3. The two obtained full and equal
recognition in the Hephaisteion on the Market Hill4, at the foot of
which the coppersmiths plied their trade5. A decree6 of the year
42l/o B.C. concerning the celebration of the Hephaistia mentions the
sanctuary (?)7 'of Hephaistos and Athenaia' and enacts 'that the
Council' set up 'the altar for Hephaistos' and 'make his' statue (?)8.

1 Souid. s.v. XaXiceia (cited supra p. 212 n. o). Souidas' statement is accepted e.g.
by E. Saglio in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. i. 1098, A. Schmidt Handbuch der
griechischen Chronologic Jena 1888 p. 280, Farnell Cults of Gk. Stales i. 314, v. 378 n.b,
C- Robert in the Gbtt. gel. Anz. 1899 clxi. 531, P. Stengel Die griechischen Kultusalter-
tiimer3 Miinchen 1920 p. 234. It is rejected by V. von Schoeffer in Pauly—Wissowa
Real-Enc. iii. 2067.

i Corp. inscr. Att. Lv. 2 no. 441 e [---vtrkp u]v airayye"\[\ovai oi---irepl tt)s Bvaias

ZBvov tois Xa[\Ktlon---, -]axTO dt Kal k[. . ]/3uk[.]o.s r[ds---, ayaBeJl rux«, SedbxBat ret

P°[v\tl, to. p.ev d7a0a dexeo-Bai, a <paa{\ yeyovev[ai] iv tois U[poU oh IBvov c'</>' vyielai Kal
"UTVp]lai TTjs re /3ouX^s Kal [tov Srjfiov Kal vaiSav Kal yvvaiKwv] Kal toiv avfi.p.axw[v eVai-

"6rcu Se----],„ Tfjs ff€0$ T0,5s ^-[J---apxovTOS Kal tov -- avjruv ?.TpaT[6]\a[ov---Kal

<r'"e0ai'Sa[u] iKatrrov a[vTCbv XPV0~W~1 areip&vui Kara tov v6p.ov eio-ef}eia~\s eVe/t[> tt)s irpbs
T°VS Beovs Kal tpiXonpias tt)s els ttjv ^o]v\i]v [Kal tov Sij/xov k.t.X.]. See H. G. Lolling in
tne Sitzungsber. d. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin 1888 p. 314 no. 6.

3 f Pans. 1. 26. 5 eVeXtfoDcri U fieri /Swmoi, UoaetSGivos, i(p' 011 Kal 'EpexBei Bvovaiv Ik tov
(so E. Clavier and R. Porson for Ik tov codd.) /xavreipiaTos, Kal Tjpwos Bovtov, Tplros Se
H^aio-Tou. The exact position of these altars, which have perished, is unknown. They
*re commonly thought to have stood in the western part of the building: see Sir J. G.
grazer and H. Hitzig—H. BlUmner ad loc, but also J. M. Paton The Erechlheiim Cam-
bridge, Massachusetts 1927 pp. 484, 491 (locating them 'in the central room or rooms').
. Id. ib. p. +84 ff. fig. 206, A—c publishes two thrones for the priest of Boutes (Corp.
tnscr. Alt. ii. 3 no. i6j6 = iii no. 302 leptws \ Bwtou) and for the priest of Hephaistos
\lep(us I 'H0ai(T7ou), which were originally carved from a single block of Pentelic marble
and are inscribed in lettering of s. iv b.c. The former was found near the Erechtheion;
he latter has been for some time on the terrace of the Hekatompedon. Whether they
6Ver st°od in the theatre of Dionysos is doubtful.
Harpokr. s.v. KoXweeVas.
Andok. or. 1. 40, Bekker anted, i. 316, 23 f.

Corp. inscr. Att. i no. 46 + iv. I. 2 no. 35* = J. v. Prott and L. Ziehen Leges Grae-

Coru'>t sacrae ii no. 12= Inscr. Gr. ed. min. i no. 84. Vv. 17 [...........]rS he[<pa]l<tTo

K«i re's 'ABevalas [---], 38 f. tov Se pop.6v til he<pai[oToi.........] | [....................1

»oieo-({TO ht |3o\e KaBort av aiVe[i doKH.......J.

L. Ziehen op. cit. ii. 54: 'nescio an sermo fuerit de loco certaminis scribendumque
^l t" rot hiepSi toi t'o ]le<pai<rT0 Kal tW ABevalas.' E. Reisch in the Jahresh. d. oest. arch.^
Hst-' 898 i. 60 had inferred ' dass das Kest dem Hephaistos und der Athene gemeinsam gait .'
>j L- Ziehen op. cit. ii. 55: 'v. 38 sq. KirchhorT acute ita refinxit t6v 5e fSup^" '«
0a([<rTWi ISpvoaru Kal TayaXpji t6 tov -R<t>aia\rov jroiTjffdTW y /Soi'Xi) kt\., quae supple-