Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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214 Hephaistos and Athena

His statue must be taken to include the whole cult-monument; for
another decree1 has preserved the accounts of a state-commission
appointed in the self-same year and charged with the duty of
erecting two statues on a single base in the Hephaistion, which
statues—it would seem—were completed four years later in 416.
The accounts specify a great quantity of bronze as purchased for the

Fig. 136.

menta etsi universa ratio eorum valde probabilis est, tamen certa non sunt.' E. Reisch
loc. cit. p. 61 argues well in support of them.

1 Corp. inscr. Ait. i no. 318 +A. Wilhelm in the Sitzungsber. d. kais. Akad. d. Wiss-
in Wien Phil.-hist. Classe 1922 p. 43 pl. + Corp. inscr. Att. i 110. 319 (Roberts—Gardner
Gk. Epigr. ii. 316 if. no. \\S) = Inscr. Gr. ed. min. i nos. 370, 371. No. 370, 1 eirt<rTa'

tcu ayaKparoiv i[s t6 !i\irpal<jTwv (list of names).. No. 371, 2 ff. x^Kbs £ovt0[e---Ta^~

avra --] | KaideKa Kal p.vai Uk[o\. Ti[n]i [to toKovto rpi]\aKoi>Ta irivre bpa%p.al. \\ Karri-
repos iovtde h rb av0ep.o[v, TaXavTov] \ Kal hep.LTaXa.vTov koX p.vai efcocrt r[pes Kal] | ^£/"'
pvaiov, rb rdXayrov SiaKoatov Tp[iaK]\ovra dpaxpSv. TipL vacat || p.io-0bs to'is ipyao-aptvois to
av[0]ep.ov /ivir[b] \ t£v aozlSa Kal tov TreraKov tov /W[or]epoe \ Trpoap-iadoOhTov. ||/*6Xv/^0S
toi avdip-ot Kai tois oeo-/j.oh tov \ \Wov to pa6po, Kparevral dbSeKa, np.L \ \ xo~foa Kal avOpaKe$
toi p,o\[v]f3oo[t]. |j rparre^av TroiicavTi. \\piadbs {<rayay6vr[i] to [ay]a\paTe Kal | artoavrL v
toi vedt. \\ K.t.X.