Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Zeus Tkau/ios

of Enhodia1, whose head indeed appears on the coinage of the town
(fig. 190)2. Her ritual—if we can trust a tale told by Polyainos3—
might require the sacrifice of a choice bull with gilded horns, fillets,
and blue gold-spangled draperies.

Zeus Thaitlios undoubtedly had a cult at Pherai. A votive stele
of marble, found there by Arvanitopoullos4, has a small pediment

Fig. 191.

1 A dedication to Enhodia at Pherai was published by P. Monceaux in the Bull. Coir-
Hell. 1883 vii. 60 no. 14 (Velestino) KctXXkXetct | Ylapp.evio-Kov \ 'JivoSlai ev^ap.e'vii.

2 A silver drachm struck by Alexander of Pherai (369—357 B.C.) has obv. head of
Hekate Enhodia to right inscribed ENNOAIAS, rev. AAEE lion's head (Brit. Mus-
cat. Coins Thessaly etc. p. 47 no. 17 (wrongly described) pi. 10, 13, Head Hist, num.2
p. 308). Fig. 190 is from J. Hirsch Rhousopoulos Sale Catalogue p. 88 no. 1446 pi. 19, on
which see K. Regling ' E N NOAIA' in the Joum. Intern, a"Arch. Num. 1905 viii. 1751

3 Polyain. 8. 43 ttjs 'Iwviktjs diromlas is Tr\v ' Kalav dtpiKop.ivi]s tois 'Epvdpas Karixovcf
eiroXip.ei Kv&iros rod KaSpiSuiv yivovs. 6 Bebs 'expi)ff€V &vtoj {rrparijybv irapa QepffaXQiv Xafieiv
TTjV lipeiav TTji'EvoSias- 6 Si irpeo-pleveTai. irpbs 6e<rcraXoiis Kal /j.ijvvet rb Xbycov tov Beou. oi
Si 'iirep.\pav avTuZ ttjv Upetav rijs Beov Xpv<xd/j.i]v. avrr], tpapp-aKiov ip.irei.pos owa, ravpov H
dyiXtjs iJ.eyi.uTov Kal koXXlutov avKkaj3ov<Ta, ra p.iv Kipara KaTexpfvoxre Kal to oSifia Kare-
KOo-firjo-e o-Tifi^ao-i Kal xpucro7racr70i9 dXovpyio-i Kal fieTa Trjs Tpotpijs dvaptl£aaa piavtoirotbi'
<pa.pp.aKOV 'eSuiKev aiToj tpayelv ■ rb Se tfidppiaKov airbv re rbv ravpov e{,ip.i]ve Kal robs yev<rap.ivovs
avrov liavwvpyeiv ifieXXev. oi p.ev Si) iroXifiioi avrearpaToiriSevov, i) Se iv 6<pei rtbv iroXep.lo>v
fjwiibv irapaBelaa Kal o<ra irpbs Bvalav, iKiXevrje irpotjdyeiv rbv ravpov. 6 Si iirb tou tpapftaKOV
fteuyvus Kal oiarpav ei^eirriS-qae Kal piya p.vKw/j.evos itpvyev. oi iroXffitoi xpvoSKepwv Karearep-
p.ivov bpuvres Kal <pepbp.evov is to eavrwv arpaTbireSov dirb rijs Bvcxlas rwv ivavrloiv lis ayad'ot'
rjijpeiov Kal oitbviap.a atmov iSi^avro Kal o-vXXaf36vres KaXXiepov<ri rocs Beoh Kal t&v Kpe^v
'iKaaros (piXorlfiois eSaltxavTo ihs Sai/xovlov Kal Betas lepovpylas p.eraXayxavovres. avrtia W
irdv rb arparbireSov iirb p-avlas Kal irapa<ppoo-uvi]s i^lararo' irdvTes dveirf)5u>v, SieBeoV,
dvecTKlpTUV, ras (pvXaicds diriXeiirov. Xpvndp.r) TaOra ISovua rbv Kvwirov iKiXevae Sid raX01'5
birXlaai Ti)v arpariav Kal tois iroXep.tots iirdyetv dp.vva<rOai /it) Swapi-ivois. ovtoj St) KpwitoS
dveXwv diravras eKpaTijcre rijs 'EpvBpalav irbXeas puydXijs re Kal evSalp.ovos. It can hardly t
doubted that this curious recital has borrowed more than one trait from the Thessalian cu
of Enliodia.

4 A. S. Arvanitopoullos in the UpaKT. dpx- er. 1907 p. 15-2, id. in the 'E</>. 'Apx- J9'
p. 36, 1910 p. 407 f.