Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Rain-magic in ancient Greece 305

CJ- recidunt), inventionem vero, cum fruges genitali terrae fomento conceptae annua
Ursus coeperint procreatione generari. pone hanc veram esse sacrorum istorum rationem...
CUI plangius fruges terrae et crescentia lugetis semina?) as they mourned for Osiris,
Probably in the dirge called TAavepws (A. Rusch in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xiv. 1048 ff.).

cart pursues the theme of corn as an emblem of Osiris, and draws attention to the
^unous 'Osiris beds' found in 1905 by the late Theodore Davis, in a tomb dating from
. e reign of Amenhotep iii (1412—1376 b.c., according to H. R. Hall), and now preserved
lU ^e Museum at Cairo (T. M. Davis The Totnb of louiya and Toniyou London 1907 p. 45,

• Quibell Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu Le Caire 1908 p. 35 no. 51022 pi. 16, p. 36
• 51023). Quibell says of no. 51022: 'This object consists of a wooden frame, on
Was laid a papyrus mat: over this was stretched a double cover of coarse cloth,

ued down the side: on this a bed of clay was placed, of the shape of the body of
lrisi and in it barley planted. When the plants had grown to a height of about
^ • 15 cent, a doubled cloth was laid over them and the whole was lapped round with
iRS»neS °^ str'Ps °f cloth'; etc. My fig. 195 is from a fresh photograph. Similarly in
y 1899 V. Loret found in the tomb of Maherpra, fan-bearer under Hatshepsut (reign
a5?! '479 b.c., according to H. R. Hall), a frame of cedar-wood, on which is stretched
the °f reeds covered by three layers of linen. On the linen is drawn in black ink

Profile of Osiris (1.42"1 high). The contour is filled in with a mixture of earth, barley-
(G n antl a £urmr>y fluid. The grains had sprouted to a length of 6—8 centimetres
%' t areSS^ Fouilles de la valUe des Rois Le Caire 1902 p. 25 f. no. 24061 pi. 7 = my
123 j4' ^" ^''edemann 'Osiris vegetant' in Le Museon Nouvelle serie 1903 iv. 111 —
fig ' * Haas Bilderatlas zur Religionsgeschichte Leipzig—Erlangen 1924 ii—iv p. vii
135o ^Sa'ni in the 'Innermost Treasury' of the tomb of Tut-ankh-Amen (1360—
c°ver ji acconung to H. R. Hall) the late Earl of Carnarvon and Howard Carter dis-
a mock figure representing the regermination of Osiris' (H. Carter The Totnb of
catn"'^^1^'""1 London 1933 iii. 39, 61 pi. 64, A and b). Carter says: 'This object...
filleclnSeS a Wooden frame moulded in the form of that god, hollowed out, lined with linen,
Sermiri711'1 ^ n'°m the Nile bed, and planted with corn....This was moistened; the grain
rectio ate<^' and "le inanimate form became green and living; thus symbolizing the resur-
windi0 °^ *~*s'r's ana- OI" trie deceased. This life-size effigy was completely wrapped in linen
'n the"!"S!leets and ^andaged in the like manner as a mummy.' Foucart further notes that
oCcasj aitlc period an Osiris-figure made of Nile-mud and filled with corn-grains was
typify0^ ^ P'ace<^ between the legs of the mummy: the sprouting of the corn would

\ A n resurrection of the god (A. Erman Die agyptische Religion Berlin 1905 p.
(?) 'nf">°k "J EgyPtian Religion trans. A. S. Griffith London 1907 p. 187).
arid prof S asPect °f Osiris-worship has been more fully exploited by Sir James Frazer
inter a/° ' V" ^oret- Frazer Golden Bough3: Adonis Attis Osiris3 ii. 89 ff. describes
al; Bhilai I 6 cora^on °f a chamber dedicated to Osiris in the Ptolemaic temple of Isis
c°rn sprin ^' S"^'a 773 n- o): ' Here we see the dead body of Osiris with stalks of
his hand ^rom 'l' wnile a priest waters the stalks from a pitcher which he holds in
0rie may n '1E accomPanying inscription sets forth that "this is the form of him whom
(Champ0i||0t name> Osiris of the mysteries, who springs from the returning waters'"
South Wall°n LC ^eune M°n"»'ents de V£gypte et de la Nubie Paris 1835 i. 6 pi. 90
^izion. M !, nal' °f Osiris (second and third registers = my fig. 196), Lanzone

ESyptlan p Egk- p- 7°5 f- PL 26 3' f" E- A- Wallis Budge 0siris and the

ESypt Newle""'reci'o» London—New York 1911 i. 58 fig., A. Moret Kings and Gods of
of £eligi0H °rk~London 1912 p. 84 ff. fig. 7 f. pi. 11, id. in J. Hastings Encyclopedia
^ar's 1926 El/ncs Edinburgh 1917 ix. 75b, id. Le Nil et la civilisation igyptienne
adds; 'SirnFlari°* f'g' 23' H' Haas ciL p" vii fig" I55)- ^m2£I °P- cit- 80 2
a miirnrny and 1 •W & papyrus of the Louvre (No. 3377) Osiris is represented swathed as
Clt' P- 801 f S on back, while stalks of corn sprout from his body' (Lanzone op.

Paris iQ2„ 1? 3t>3. 2 ( = my fig. 197)). .\. Moret La mise a mart du dieu en Egypte
la rrioisson' f S detail with 'La passion d'Osiris, dieu agraire' (p. 17 ff.), 'Rites de
P" 19 ff.: illustrations of Diod. u I*; evolution of the Osirian fetish stat,

c- Hi.
