Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The holed vessel in Egypt 343

and a variety of magical marks, including 01 and perhaps scattered
letters of the word HygteicP.

also on coins of Aesernia {Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Italy p. 67 no. 5), Beneventura (ib.
I'aly p. 68 no. 1 fig.), Teanum Sidicinum (ib. Italy p. 126 no. 11), Velia {ib. Italy
P" 3r5 no. 102), Bruttii (ib. Italy p. 321 no. 22), the Mamertini (ib. Sicily p. 111
n°' 3°), Syracuse (ib. Sicily p. 190 no. 322), Leukas [id. Corinth, etc. p. 131 no. 75
P'' 3°\ 5)1 Rhodes (ib. Caria, etc. p. 246 no. 173), Seleukos i in Alexandrine empire
°f the East (ib. Arabia etc. pp. cxliii, 187 f. pi. 22, 4 (= my fig. 219)), Kyrene (ib.
Cyrenaica p. 61 no. 292 pi. 26, 1), and Rome (Babelon Monn. rip. rotn. i. 25, 48, 49,
Io> (gens Acilia), ii. 282 no. I40 (gens Papia). Rasche Lex. Num. vi. 827.]

F- Dornseiff Das Alphabet in Mystik und A/agie Leipzig—Berlin 1922 p. 84 n. 3:

Das Pentagramm ist Ideogramm fiir "Weltraum."' Id. ib. goes on to connect the Baby-
nian pentagram and heptagram with Pherekydes' wevripuxos and ejrrd^uxos.
S. A. Cook in his important book The Religion of Ancient Palestine in the light of
'f' chaeology London 1930 p. 213 f. collects examples of the pentagram as a Jewish symbol:

It is found at (a) Nerab, (b) Gerar, (c) a jar-handle from Ophel, and a curious type with
Hebrew letters in the angles found at (d) Tell Zakariya, (e) Gezer, and (/) Ophel7.
\ (a) Syria, ix. 306; (b) Petrie, p. 19, pi. xliii. no. 10; (c) P. E. F. Annual, iv. fig. 202,

°- 5; (d) Bliss and Macalister, pi. lvi, no. 44; (e) Q.S., 1904, p. 211 sq., Macalister,
. ""''i>. 209, fig. 359, and (/) Annual, iv. p. 191,fig. 203^0.7. Cf. also the late inscribed
J rabic) stone from Latron (Q-S., 1919, p. 174)-) The legend has been acutely taken to
^eShelemau, and identified with the Shelemiah of Neh. xiii. 131. PSo Albright, J.P.O.S.,
pi l0° sl0 The Pentagram is also used as a potter's mark2. (2 Bliss and Macalister,
• xxix. no. 42; cf. pi. lvi. no. S3 (from Tell Sandahannah, ib., p. 122 sq.), Gezer,
pl- otc. no. 59.)> Etc.

t Sir \y. jj_ Flinders Petrie Decorative Patterns of the Ancient World London 1930 pl. 48
ashort comparativeseriesof pentagons from Egypt, Asia Minor, Crete, Greece, Italy, etc.
^ . ® Was a character, which would commend itself to all who dabbled in Egyptising
p . c' a letter, it was the beginning and end of Thoth (iTvp.6hoyia tov ak(pafi-qTov
*&a\ m Ct' ^u<*' P" ®yTa "^flee irv/ioXoyeiTat; vapa to QwB- BiiB Si \iyerai to
^ °" (cp. K. B. Hase in Stephanus Thes. Gr. Ling. vi. 1009 c) twv TraXaiwe lepeuv).
yl^yUmera'' stooc* I°r tne Rreat Egyptian ennead (F. Dornseiff Das Alphabet in
(p^.. * ""d A/agie Leipzig—Berlin 1922 p. 23). As a symbol, it represented the universe
in °n frag. 9 (Frag. hist. Gr. iii. 571 ff. Miiller) ap. Euseb. praep. ev. 1. 10. 51
Kai ^ ot ^'L"YvlrTioi airb rrjs avTTjS ivvolas tov Kbapov ypd<povTes irepL(pepri kvk\ov depoetSTj
To j^^T"' Xapd(ro-oinj-i, Kai fiecra ma.ft.ivov 6(f>iv UpaKouopfiov, Kai (htl to ttcLv (TXV^
Ayag^ ^^Ta! T°v ixiv k6k\ov Kbapov pyviovrts, tov Si piirov 5</>iv o-vvcktikSv tovtov

^i'nsch ^aiM0"a ^VPabovres (supra ii. 1127 f.) = Lyd. de mens. 4. 161 p. 177, 16 ff.
KvK\ov ,°TI "XOPotwv 6 kvk\os TeXeiorarov ' '66ev Aiytfmot rbv Koapov yp&(povres Trepupepr)
ffVt,£KTiKb^°>€1^ 7rvf)w7r°v XaP&TTOva'L Kai P-i&ov TeTapivov 6<ptv UpaK6pop<pov, oiovel
cp. schol" Y^'ya®°v AaJ/twa • Kai eVti to irav fxvi us to vap' ijpiv 6. Dornseiff loc. cit.
1 Si To~ ' '°nys. Thrak. p. 321, 37 and 488 Hilgard Orjra 6V1 toC vavrSi Biaw ptpieiTaf
KaT& p.{Jo'a''TO* ^<rts tariv 6 ovpavds, 65 t6 re KvuXorepte ?x« Ka^ T0V Wt P-i°~ov &£ova rfi
,>laS. p X-aPaKTypiv9ei>Ta pLaK-pf. Lobeck Aglaophamus ii. 1341 had already quoted et.
0|Wi<oD tV' ' ®^7"a to cttoixuov, irapi ri rr/v Bioiv tov TraxTos pnp.(ta6ai' i^toi toO
Wo-op „ "VK^OTepts Ixov (kvk\6tcpov cod. V. marg.), Kai tov Jia piaov H^ova tj} Kara ri
sr< ^ to°-9 < d"dXo">""' (""• Lobeck) > fai. Add et. Gud. p. 262, 45 ff. 6ijra, e^rai,

^C<"' KO.TO. J,aVT^ eiCL" W«mU. Tl Si TOV TTOVTOi BioiS OvpavSs kdTl, 6s t6 tc KVKkOTtpU

^ ^"6\oyov f' KCU^ fi*aov (^- ajova) Trj Kara, rijv p.ia-qv ofcrj? paKpq.

""""air/av)" T?" ("lseru>) > ■ x^paKTtipiaBiv ovv ovtois, cUStus Kai ioiKviav IXafiev

ts' sat. ' 8.Was the initial of W»WM and was itself transfixed with a dart (schol.

Aus0n, e^4g.13' Isid; i. 3- 8, 1. 23. 1, cp. Pers. sal. 4. 13, Mart. ep. 7. 37- I f..

?' 334 f. Se 13 PelPer. Rufin. apol. adv. Hier. 2. 36 (xxi. 615 Migne), Sidon. carm.
'S "ardly ad * * Slr J- E- Sandys Za/;'« Epigraphy Cambridge 1919 p. 62 with n. 2)

■ an infelix littera would be out of place. 2 5ar/ra i. 109 n. 3.