Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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ater-carrying in connexion with marriage 373

can fortunately be confirmed, at least in part, both by literary1 and

monumental evidence.

Over some of the graves in the 'Dipylon' cemetery at Athens
stood a huge sepulchral jar, measuring from three and a half to
Nearly six feet in height2. Such jars might be krateres3, but were
^ore often four-handled4 or two-handled amphorae*. They are
regularly decorated with scenes representing obsequies or funeral
sPorts, and—an important feature—they have either no bottom or
a bottom with a hole left in it6. A. Bruckner and E. Pernice, after
careful study of the subject, came to the conclusion that the jars
^ere holed in order that libations might filter through the earth
°eneath and so reach the dead7. This may well be8. Yet A. Milch-
tjJwas certainly right when he claimed kinship between the
'Pylon' amphorae and the black-figured or red-figured loutrophdroi
jp tater Athenian times—vases of an elongated and graceful shape,
^0rn ten to forty inches in height10, usually furnished with a hole
r°ugh the bottom, and painted with scenes of prdthesis or of
^arriage-rites according as they were intended to play their part at
neral or a wedding. Surviving specimens of the loutrophdroi, listed
y Nachod11, range in date from the last decade of the sixth century

r0„ em' adv. Leoch. 18 otf 7roXXi? Si XP^V varepov ... rippwiTTrjtrev 6 ' ApxtdSys, Kal reXei/Tp

2 p ^PXtd8ov ra0y, 30 Kai i) \ovrpo<popos i<peaT7]K€v iirl tov 'Apx^adov fivjjfiaTi.
diefi. errot—Chipiez .£r7.rt. de TArt vii. 55 ff., 158 ff., F. Poulsen Die Dipylongraber und

3 lpylonvascn Leipzig 1904 p. 103 ff., Pfuhl Malerei u. Zeichnungd. Gr. i. 61 ff., 69 ff.
plSi * Hirschfeld in the Ann. d. Inst. 1872 xliv. 142 ff. no. 41, A/on. d. Inst, ix
fig.' 29' 1 (coloured), 40, 1, Perrot—Chipiez Hist, de TArt vii. 56 ff. figs. 5—7, 159 f.

I LColljgnon—.Couve Cat. Vases dAth'enes p. 48 ff. no. 214 pi. 12.
6qj q0j^' ^" Wide in the Jahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1899 xiv. 201 ff. no. 22 fig.
Zeic!,, lgnon'—Couve Cat. Vases d'Athenes p. 42 f. no. 200 pi. Ilj Pfuhl Malerei u.

6 4 a. Gr. ui. 1 fig. 10.

. p*"' -056 with fig. 9,1.

' A^r TChiPiez -Si'rf- de CArt vii. 60.
XvUi. j, rUckner—E. Pernice 'Ein attischer Friedhof in the Ath. Mitth. 1893

Se^"tcra/j^e '"'Portant monograph of G. P. Oeconomus De profusionum receptaculis
Perf°rata • * Atllems r9»i pp. 1—60 with 17 figs, (especially p. 22 ff. ' Vasa funebria

8 A. m'i'm3 ff" 'Sepulcra perforata,' p. 37 ff. ' Sepulcra tubum exhibentia').
T^Sen Pi ft f " 'n the A'h' MiUh- 1880 y- 177 f- Cp- Furtwang'er Samml. Sabouroff

P°ulsen5 n P' ?' A' BrUckner—E- Pernice in the Ath. Mitth. 1893 xviii. 144 ff,
auly—-Wi " D'Py,0"Srdber und die Dipyionvasen Leipzig 1904 p. 19, Nachod in

10 A. He°Wa ]!eal-Enc- xiii- 2,00 f-
h U Nachod °g E'ne LutroPhoros' in the Arch- Zeil- 1885 x'- '3<> n- 6-
o6 ass'gns 5 t , 1>au'y— Wissowa Real-Em. xiii. 2100 records 25 loutrophdroi, of which

J° the last th-A laSt decade of *• vi> 7 t0 tne first third o{s- v. 5 10 the m'ddle of *' v>
™- 68-^70) H'rd °f v- See a'so Graef Ant. Vasen Athen p. 128 ff. nos. 1144—1198
• Hr;„i .' • B- Wfaltersl in th» mus_ quartw 1928—1929 iii. 42 f. pi. 24 a, b,


^tinksl'v B' W[aIters] ^ the Brit.
Ub- '930-193, v. „ £ pL 4a>