Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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404 Water-carrying in connexion

P. Couissin ib. 1926 ii. 81 f. (is sceptical of Te Hades avec Hermes psychopompe et
Cerbere, et l'arbre sacre qui rappelle de si pres Vulmus opaca de Virgile2 (2Eniide, vi,
283)'), J. Charbonneaux in the Rev. Et. Gr. 1926 xxxix. 100 fig. I, Nilsson Min.-Myc-
Rel. pp. 549—556 (compares the ' Tree of Life' in the garden of the Hesperides protected
by the snake Ladon, but thinks that the whole ring 'may merely represent some cult
scenes performed in an open-air sanctuary beneath the shadow of an aged tree'))- The
chief feature in the design is an old, leafless tree, with wide-stretched boughs, springing
from a mound, on which couches 'an animal, apparently intended for a dog.' Here s>'r
Arthur sees a parallel to the Scandinavian world-tree, the ash of Odhin's steed, Yggdrasil
whose roots were gnawed by the serpent NrShoggr (K. Simrock Handbuch der Deutsche*1
Mythologies Bonn 1878 p. 36 ff. ('Die Weltesche'), J. Grimm Teutonic Mythology'trans.
J. S. Stallybrass London 1883 ii. 796 ff., 1888 iv. 1331, 1536f., E. H. Meyer Germanised

Fig. 265.

Mythologie Berlin 1891 p. 81 ft'., H. M. Chadwick The Cult oj Othin London r899 P* 7*
P. D. Chantepie de la Saussaye The Religion of the Teutons Boston and Londo^
p. 347 ft"., E. Mogk in the Grundriss der germanischen Thilologie2 Herausgeg^ ,^sC/ie
H. Paul Strassburg 1900 iii. 379 f., id. in HoopsReallex. iv. 573, P. Herrmann A^ ,,
Mythologie Leipzig 1903 p. 588 ff. ('Der Weltenbaum'), R. M. Meyer AUg"'^astjngs
Religionsgeschichte Leipzig 1910 p. 474 ff. ('Yggdrasil'), J. A. MacCulloch in }• ;v.
Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics Edinburgh 1909 ii. 7o8b, S. G. Youngert 1 •
i78a-b, Miss E. Welsford ib. 1917 ix. 253b, Miss N. Kershaw (Mrs H. M. Cha 6fij 30.
1921 xii. 252b, 254", 257b, P. A. Munch Norse Mythology New York I93^ Pp'e fanieu5<
289, A. H. Krappe Mythologie universelle Paris 1930 p. 204 ('L'arbre mondia'• e\ les
frene Yggdrasil, qui en est la colonne centrale, n'est au fond que l'arbre autour 0f
anciens Germains aimaient a construire leurs maisons'). See further the m° J^y d$'"s
E. Magnusson Odin's Horse Yggdrasill London 1895 pp. 1—64="^ Yf3>' na1"6
Hestr Reykjavik 1895 pp. 1—64, S. N. Hagen 'The origin and meaning ° ^ pa)is&e
Yggdrasill' in Modern Philology 1903—1904 i. 57—69, A. Olrik 'Yggdi'asl1 Ln><*/;?
Studier K^benhavn 1917 pp. 49—62. F. Magnusen Eddalceren og dens Oj0ore£
Kjobenhavn 1825 iii pi. 1 attempts a picture of Yggdrasil, which is reproduced as ^^fett^
Frontispiece in Bishop Percy's trans, of Mallet's Northern Antiquities ed. L • jTietric£l
London 1859). He also cites the 'Tree of Paradise' described c. ijooA-D-