Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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with the mysteries 425

from Campania, now in the Hermitage collection (fig. 289)1, shows
four Danaides sitting or standing on the further bank of the
Acheron. They have their hydriai with them, but seem more intent
011 talking together or surveying their charms in a mirror than on
drawing water from the river. A fifth sister, busier than the rest,
err>pties her vessel into a large unburied pt'thos.

Comparable with these 'Apulian' vases both in subject and in
style, and referable to approximately the same period (350—
3°o E.c.2), is a limestone relief from Apulia now in the Glyptothek
at Munich (fig. 290)3. It probably formed the left-hand half of a

*eze decorating the plinth of a natskos-tomb at Tarentum4. In the
Centre of the extant portion sit Hades and Persephone. On the left
s and two Danaides emptying their pitchers into a large half-sunk
fl&r' ^n tne right Hermes hastens towards Herakles, whose lion-skin
^utters in the breeze. Beyond the break would come Kerberos,

ririys, and other familiar figures of the Underworld.

(8) Conclusions with regard to the myth of the Danaides

p ln view of the foregoing evidence, both literary and monumental,
• Rohde5 and A. Dieterich6 drew the following conclusions. The
^ysteries and marriage are analogous, for both involve rites of
peStrat'°n' Those that neglect such rites in the world above must
eiforrn them in the world below. Hence on the one hand the
lt]ated, and on the other hand the unmarried, are bound to carry

in th!»ed left k^1*1 (J- Overbeck in the Arch. Zeil. 18S4 xlii. 261)—stand idly by, facing
(4) d'rection-

Co^tctio a'3'es (Heydemann Vasensamml. Neapel p. 816 ff. no. 709 in the Santangelo
i88+ xl°n' °- Be»ndorf in the Wien. Vorlegebl. E pi. 3, 2, P. Hartwig in the Arch. Zeit.
ease on * * P'' I^ = Reinacn Kip. Vases i. 455, 1). One of the Danaides, leaning at
(s) Infr 3S S'16 C'la's wftk Erinys : above her head is seen a pithos with pointed base.

filing;\°i'lti be noticed that, where Orpheus is present ((2), (3), (4)), the Danaides are

1 Ste v,6^ lle is absent ((0, (3)). some at least of them are at work.
4rch-Na^m Vase'"amml. St. Petersburg i. 233 ff. no. 426, G. Minervini in the Bull.
V°''l^'cl>7 i/8,54,"'' +9ff- pi. 3 = Reinach Re~p. Vases i. 479, O. Benndorf in the Wien.

:scbi- E pi


» p w I5- 37o.

'n<X ') withferS ^Jahrb- d- kais- deutsch. arch. Inst. 1914 xxix Arch. Ant. p- 453 f-
'922 p. 8 Fiihrer durch die Glyptothek Konig Ludivigs I. zu Miinchen Miinchen

.nd°n',9""' +94with fig. ( = my fig. IOo). Cp. A. W. Lawrence Later Greek Sculpture
^a"Ued a„ 54 pl. 90, b for 'a limestone version of the floral decoration common on

4 K T> n vases-'

Xciv) Stras!fenStecher U''<eritalische Grabdenkmaler (zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslandes

5 *° e ;e r: p-

6 A- Die, L 3^-329.
e erich Nekyia Leipzig 1893 p. 70 n. I.