Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The holed vessel in Italy 435

by Fulgentius were in all probability Etruscan tomb-pillars or
boundary-stones1, which in time of distress would be trundled
round the area under their especial protection. Finally, Varro
'"forms us that aquae manale meant a small water-jug2. The term
a°- an interesting history, and seems to have been re-interpreted as
a basin for the hands in the aquimanile or aquiminarium of Christian

Early in 1914 Commendatore Boni, digging on the Palatine
"nder the north-eastern part of the peristyle of the domus Augustiana,
scovered a tholos, which he identified with the mundus. This
1 entification was promptly accepted by T. Ashby4, O. L. Rich-
ond5, A. L. Frothingham6, and others7 on grounds that seem
11la facie plausible8. Ashby reports9: ' a chamber with a bee-hive
°°f was found, the sides of which are lined with blocks of
^aPpellaccio (a soft tufa); in the centre of it a circular shaft descends
two underground passages cut in the rock...which diverge but
'orming a right-angled triangle with a hypotenuse of 12 metres)
, again in a rock-cut domed chamber, half of which has been
b °^ed by Domitian's foundations.' Some further details are given
Plai ° oncil° and L. A. Constans11, but so far no complete ground-
n °r section has been published.

2 vafri53,ii-io9°-

tiaiiaig ' '9 Funaioli ap. Non. Marc. p. 877, 7 ff. Lindsay 'urceolum aquae

P°ntifica'Hb'*R1US' C|U0^ eo at*ua 'n tru"eum effundatur. unde manalis lapis appellator in
nianale US sacr's' 1ui tunc movetur cum pluviae exoptantur; ita apud antiquissimos

3 £ g um v°cari quis non noverit? unde nomen illius.'

4nt- i i aSl'° in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. i. 346, Smith—Cheetham Diet. Chr.
^'c''°>'>iail'e A" 'n Pau'y—Wissowa Real-Etic. i. 310 f., W. Henry in F. Cabrol

4 T f6 archeologie chretienne et de lilurgie Paris 1907 i. 2647 f.

•914 D', Sllb>'in The Times for Jan. 8, 1914 p. 5, id. in The Year's Work in Class. Stud.

6 A- L F .0nd'm the Journ. Rom. Stud. 1914 iv. 225 f.

7 Sp» 'rotWngham in the Am. /burn. Arch. 1014 xviii. 3.,.

> "e now T-4 t\/r

lstitilu( / , Leopold in the Mededeelingen van het Nederlandsch Historisch

. """tut /e n

■le'tUio <t■ 6 1921 L 45—61 (="*■ 'n "mundus" e la " Roma quadrata" ' in the
ln the Pesiscfaletn°l°gia italiaua 1924 xliv-193—206), W. Kroll' Mundus und Verwandtes'
^New York' "r Universitdts-Professor Hofrat Dr. Paul Kretschmer Wien—Leipzig
The qi '?2^ PP" 120—127, G. Lugli La Zona Archeologicadi Roma Roma 1925 p. 208
35' 3+2 win Monuments of Rome and its Vicinity trans. G. Bagnani Roma 1929 i.

a * **' J- Ro 5?' 6' 284 f- With fig- 'o)-

,],rgUes that D°Se'- howevei'. in Sludi e Materiali di. Storia delle Religioni 1931 vii. 134 f.
(.'s architects t"1,1113"' 1)eing 'pious to the point of religiosity,' would never 'have allowed
^ So fl-omp0 ^U'ld °Ver' far less break int0' a monument so venerable and at the same
P S' B- Maui-aS mUndus Cereris:

3iJ7' er—T. Ashby A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome Oxford 1929

O. L R.

10 mond in the Journ. Rom. Stud. 1914 iv. 226: 'The Commendatore
