Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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466 The myth of Danae and analogous myths

himdtion yellow with green lining and deep violet shadows. Yet
another fresco, in the House of M. Gavius Rufus (fig. 301)1, unites
the standing Danae' and the hovering Eros with the youthful (?)
seated Zeus in a novel, but thoroughly unsatisfactory, whole.

Zeus changing himself into a lapful of gold in order to win h's
innamorata was a subject not likely to escape the notice of comedians,
rationalists, and moralising expositors. Terence (or Menandros?)
already makes capital of the situation. Latin poets, both Greek? a°
Roman4, follow suit. Prudentius at the beo'inning of the fifth centm)
talks roundly of the crafty god turning himself into hard cas
(nummz)5. Indeed, the gibe had long been a commonplace witht"e
Christian fathers6 and is the accepted explanation of belated alle
gorists7. Small wonder, then, that Renaissance and /iw^-Renaissan0
art perpetuated the libellous tradition8. Titian harped on the them

1 Helbig Wandgem. Camp. p. 454, Sogliano Pitt. mur. Camp. p. 21 no. 75> Ovet^e^
Gr. Kuvstmyth. Zeus p. 602 Atlas pi. 7, 2 ('Nach Zeichnung Marianis vom Ong1

( = my fig. 301), Herrmann Denim, d. Malerei p. 254 f. fig. 76 ('nach einer Zeichnun£
romischen Institut'...'von L. Schulz'), cp. A. Mau Fiihrer durch Pompeji6 Leipzl&
p. 74 {Reg. vii. 2. 16).

2 Supra p. 460 n. 7. f.

3 Anth. Pal. 5. 30. 5 f. (Antipatros of Thessalonike), 5. 32. 1 f. and 5- 33'
(Parmenion), 5. 216. 1 ff. (Paulus Silentiarius). . ff„

4 Hor. od. 3. 16. 1 ff. with Acr. and Porphyr. ad toe, Aetna go, Ov. am- 3- ' J/
Petron. sat. 137. 9, Mart. ep. 14. 175 (quoted supra p. 462 n. 1), Sulpic-^f^tpoet-
cupiditate 7 f. {Poet. Lat. min. iv. 108 Baehrens), Rutil. Namat. de reditu sito 1. 3

Lat. min. v. 17 Baehrens).

5 Prudent, c. Symm. 1. 78 et nummos fieri et gremium penetrare puellae. .

6 Tert. apol. 21 amatorem in auro conversum Danaidis with J. E. B. ^^f'^jt, lifeC
Lact. div. inst. 1. 11 Danaen violaturus aureos nummos largiter in sinum eius in f0i fe"
stupri merces fuit, Epiphan. ancor. 105 (i. 208 Dindorf) irpbs &a.vat)v 5e XPV"^S ^£ ah^
■wapBivov adxppova. BaXa/ievofiii'tji' (pBeipy. xpvabs 6£ lueivos ovk i)biva.to yevt<y8al ^gj A
7617s &v 5ta xPvffov diapoSoKwv rrjv irapdtvov TjudTrjce, Hieron. adv. Rufin. 3' 4 ^Isi^'
Migne) habes enim, per quod Danaes est victa pudicitia, Aug. de civ. Dei 18- -Ii^t:ei]egitur
orig. 8. 11. 35) vel Danaes per imbrem aureum adpetisse concubitum, UDI 1 (jaci luS!l
pudicitia mulieris auro fuisse corrupta, Fulgent, myth. 1 praef. 20 nee imbre nieljuVj9) sed
[Danae] virgo cantatur, 1. 19 dum et Danae imbre aurato corrupta est non P ^ ^ (in
pecunia, Columbanus (abbot of Luxeuil and Bobbio, died 615 (?) A.D.) ear/"- 3' ^ ^ f•
M. H. Goldast Paraeneticorum veterum pars i Insulae, Ad lacum Acronium ^ juibre'
Femina stepe | Perdit ob aurum | Casta pudorem. | Non Iouis auri | Flu*1' 1

Sed quod adulter | Obtulit aurum, | Aureus ille | Fingitur imber. a p.■ 3+ '

7 Bruttius frag. 1 (Hist. Rom. frag. p. 375 f. Peter) ap. Io. Malal. chron- ^ }i i>.
Dindorf=the Chronicon Paschale 38 c—D (i. 69 Dindorf), Myth. Vat. 1■• J^'J, pif**1'
Cp. an anonymous twelfth-century poem in rime headed hie ostendit, VVatteI1^jii
corrupit Danen [sic] in specie auri (printed from cod. Vat. Christ. 344 b)' ' { virgif j
in the Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Alterthum 1875 xviii. 457—460) st. 26 Gutta s p irr0,-ata.
labitur aurata, [ in qua dei facies erat transformata; | ymbribus est interim

et hiis sua fraudibus fraus est tunicata. . Jt

8 J. Addison Classic Myths in Art London 1904 pp. 39—4*>- Jiiu'st
On the other hand, F. Piper Mythologie mid Symbolik der christltch?" 1