Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Pyre-extinguishing rain 507

The story passed early into the repertory of the mythographical
artist as well as into that of the mythological poet. The famous
Chest of Kypselos, dedicated at Olympia not later than 582 B.C.
when the dynasty of the Kypselidai came to an end1, represented
Zeus in the form of Amphitryon offering gifts to Alkmene. He,
clad in a chiton, was bearing a cup in his right hand, a necklace in
his left; she was taking hold of them both2—a simple, significant
group3, Pinc]ar more suo adds one glittering touch. The epiphany
°f the god at midnight was accompanied by a snow of gold4. Neither
gif^ nor the snow-storm should be dismissed as meaningless
adjuncts. Hedna, 'bride-presents,' in general were the proper pre-
^ maries of an epic union, and this cup in particular was an heirloom
°^ divine origin5. The golden downpour here, as elsewhere, betokens
e advent of the impregnating sky-god.
But the theme lent itself to further elaboration. Apollodoros6,

1 17

j "azer Pansanias iii. 600.

Paus. [ .0
1 a ■ ; °- 3-

Catai S'Xth"cenU,ry *tile of bluish marble at Sparta (M. N. Tod and A. J. B. Wace A
A. \\\^e °ft,te Sparta Museum Oxford 1906 p. 132 f. no. 1 figs. 26, 27, A. Conze—
18-,, 2laelis in the Ann. d. Inst. 1861 xxxiii. 336°. pi. c, K. BStticher in the Arch. Zeit.
n°rurn ijj*' ^ Loeschcke De basi quadam prope Spartam reperta Dorpati Livo-

i. l2j f 79 P- 1 ff., Collignon Hist, de la Sculpt, gr. i. 236 f. fig. 113, Overbeck Gr. Plastik*
xvith re)j ?' 21' ^errot—Chipiez Hist, de I'Art viii. 445 ff. figs. 219—221) is decorated
Alkrnen S' °ne °^ wmcn was interpreted by Loeschcke loc. cit. as portraying Zeus and
Real.}? 6" .^Ut n's interpretation, though adopted by K. Wernicke in Pauly—Wissowa
4 ~ '"l lh~t&, is highly precarious.


Jacoby) ^lmancu'os>rt^-. 1 (Frag. hist. Gr. ii. 67 Mutter) = frag. 1 (Frag. gr. Hist. i. 160
s°n Telejf' ^tnen" +9^ B—c states that this (tki/tt^os had been given by Poseidon to his
°f the tJ °CS' by Teleboes to Ptereleos, and that Amphitryon had claimed it as his share
i^a16T(lT°i/y"5, CP- Athen. 474 f (Macrob. Sat. 5. 21. 3, Eustath. in Od. p. 1423, 17 ff.)
. w «i'|eios , e<ttl 1t°tt)piov to Kapxv&tov, ef ye 6 Zeus OjIuAtjctixs 'AXk/x^tj tSwKe Supov avrb

•: 63 f- Jacob' A\P*K6-V* ^rag' 27 (FraS- hist- Gr- 77 Miiller)=/;-«^. 13 (Frag. gr. Hist,
y 29 Mmie \ e" TV ^e"r^W io-Topei nai 'Hp68upos 6 'HpaKXeitiTijs (frag. 3 (Frag. hist. Gr.
? tlle golden ~^ras' 16 (Frag. gr. Hist. i. 219 Jacoby)). Plaut. Amph. 256 f., 530 f. makes
Jyog, hisi Q*'e-ra ln wmcn king Pterela used to drink. Charon of Lampsakosfrag. 11
1 y,2eus w • 35 Mtiller) ap. Athen. 475 b—c says that the Unas given to Alkmene
foeirlooms SeeS 1 sh°wn at Sparta in his day (second half of j. v b.c.). On .cups as royal
^r at Theh'^3 3- °tner alleged relics of Amphitryon were the ed\ap.os built

^'Wl- Pal. 4. 6S by Tr°phonios and Agamedes (Paus. 9. 11. 1 with inscription (Cougny
6 P°Uon llm^end' 3- 108. 1—3)) and a tripod dedicated by him in the sanctuary of
: 6))> cp. !os at Thebes (Hdt. 5. 59 with inscription in Cadmean letters (Anth. Pal.
J 6 Steph'aP° ^edicated by him to APollon on behalf of HeraUes in a relief of Roman
^ " St. p{( x*>» ausruhende Herakles St. Petersburg 1854 pi. I, I, id. in the Compte-
P^^AVp. y/,.3 P; --8ff. O. Jahn Griechische Bilderchroniken Bonn 1873 pi. 5,
At>Pend ^ ' V l*° wi* inscription (Inter. Gr. Sic. It. no. i293 = Cougny Anth.
