Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Pyre-extinguishing rain 523

by Kleitos. Sithon, perceiving his daughter's guile, made a great
Pyre and placed upon it the body of Dryas. He was about to slay
Pallene as well, when a divine apparition1 was seen and a sudden
deluge fell from the sky. Thereupon he changed his mind, gave a
Wedding-feast to all the Thracians present, and suffered Kleitos to
marry his daughter. We are not here told that the rain was due to
^eus, the agency of the god being vaguely implied, not definitely

There were, therefore, mythical antecedents to a miracle recorded
ln the Acts of Paul and Thekla*. According to this romantic
^arrative—one section of a much longer document, the Acts of
originally drafted by an Asian presbyter before the close of
e second century A.D.4—Thekla the daughter of Theokleia, a
*°rnan of rank at Ikonion, was betrothed to a young noble named
arnyris, but becoming a convert to Paul was filled with zeal for
gmity. Thamyris brought both Paul and Thekla before the

Save 1'^'CCord'ng to Konon narr. 10, Aphrodite visited all the townsfolk by night and

2 *e girl from her doom.

^ 0), e w°rds of Parthenios are : <pavTa.ffp.aTos Se $elov yevop.e'vov Kai ii;<nrivaLws vSaTos
^Aoy ' ^ 7ro^0^ KaTappayevTos fxeTeyvw re Kai ydp.0Ls apeaafievos tov wapbvTa QpqKwv

3 J<PLyl°~t- t$ KXei'xw rijv Koprjv ayeffdai.

&tKpa C a ^>au^' el Theclae 20—21 Tischendorf Tjjs Se p.ij diroKpivop.ivqs, t\ p-r/rrip avTrjs
"c<*TPou^ ^"^KPaZev cod. C.) \eyovffa Kardrate rr\v avop.ov, rard/cate tt]v avvp.<pov p.iaov
^y&Kio LI/<1 7r^aat al l-'7r° t°vtov SiSaxdetcrai cpofirjd&fftv yvvalKes. Kai b r)yep.ij)v 'iiraQev
^b/ca"' TW ^v naOXoK <ppaye\\utras IfSaXev <f|w ttjs rciXews, tt)v be QeK\av tKpivev
^ To ^KaT^KPlvev TrvptKavarov cod. G.). /cat evffews b rjyepwv dwtei (dwijXdev cod. G.)
Cod, q . fov' ° Se 7ras o^Xos e!~Tp\dev eiri ttjv deoiptav 04k\tjs (els tt}v dvdyKijv tt\s dias
K^ ^Mi9X^ 1 WS djxvbs £v iprjpq) TrepLffKoiret tov iroLfj.eva, ovtojs eKeiv-q rbv Hav\ov ^TjTei.
^^opou T°1' °X^0V We8' eiSev) tov Kvpiov Ka6r}p.evov cos UavXov, Kai eitrev 'iis

S's "^pav ' Vfv oVo'V* y\8ev llaOXos BeduaaBai p.e. Kai Trpoffetxev avrw dreWfovffa • b Se
8e(opo6cr]s avTrjs cod. G.). ai be -rraiSiffKai Kai TrapBe'voL ijveyKav to.
c°d. Q i *aiX°prov cod. G.) tva 9^-Xa KaTaKajj. us 5c eloijXBev (elarivixBv cod. C. elarix^V
^f"aP.iv coc](j^' ^"'KPvae" ° yye/j-uv Kai edai/xaaev tt\v eir' ai/rij Svvafuv (iiri ti£ k&Wei. airTjs
^'^Ka; ^ ' ^" ^' S6vaiJ.1v tov koXKovs aiiTrjs cod. G.). ecrTpaffav Se to. $u\a oi Sti/moi
T&v c>'\ V rP^a-v a^'TV eiri[37)vai cod. B.) Trj irvpa- t) Si tvttov ffravpov iroi-qaap-ivi}
"^"■yXv(&() • W» 01 bipTjijjav. Kai pieydXov Trvpbs Xd/ii/'acros ouxvi/aTO oWJ*" b yap debs
"f^fi/s, Ka^ ^X-°v vwoyawv eiroi-qaev, Kai veipiXtj ILvoidev iireaKlaaev vSaTos ir\i)pr\s Kai
T° o-flp pt^6^-0®7! w^-v to kvtos {leg. kvtos), us ToWovs KLvSvvevaai tov diroQavelv Kai

M-2^896 and f bapt' See further J- Gwynn in Smith—Wace Diet. Chr. Biogi: iv.
nchen ,n ' . more recent criticism, W. Christ Geschichte der griechischeii Litleralur6

■ The Pyre-4 "■' *' 1203 f'
/l.th 'he marteX!'nSUishing rain recurs in a modified form at Nikomedeia in connexion
bort" °fthe Sat™ °f SS- Adrian> Natalia, and others (304 A.D.). S. Baring-Gould The
s °f the n"/SS Edinburgh 1914 x. 116 : 'According to the orders of Maximian, the
J tl>e bUrninlartyrs Were placed 011 a pile of wood to be burnt, but they were so many
^'"guished the 1101 perfectly carried out, and a heavy rain during the night having
ttyrs before jhSmouldering pyre, the Christians were able to recover the remains of the
ley were completely reduced to ashes.'