Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Zeus Ombrios


and herself broached the matter to Arkadios, who at first was
Unwilling to take action. The Bishops, however, prayed that
Eudoxia, then pregnant, might bear him a son; and she promised
that, if this should befall, she would do all they wanted and further
found a Christian church in the heart of Gaza. And so it fell out.
^heodosios ii was born, and Arkadios, moved by gratitude, granted
the Christian petition. The Bishops returned via Rhodes, reached
Gaza on i May 401, and were followed ten days later by the arrival
°f the commissioner Kynegios and a large body of troops. These
at once set about the task of demolishing the eight idolatrous
temples of Gaza—those of Helios,.Aphrodite, Apollon, Kore, and

ekate, the Heroeion, the Tychaion of Tyche, and, most famous of
ah> the Marneion of Zeus Kretagenesx. But the priests of Marnas,
getting wind of this attack, barricaded the doors of the inner temple

rth big stones, brought all valuables down into the adyta, concealed
th6'e e^^'es °^ the gods, and themselves escaped through

e same adyta by a variety of ways leading upwards2. The
Stackers thus repulsed turned their attention to the other temples,
Verthrew some, fired others, and plundered all their treasures.
^ Ult Porphyrios, however, strictly forbade the Christians to partake
■j,jSUch looting. For ten days the crowd laid waste the temples.
^J?re Was some doubt as to the fitting treatment of the Marneion
and ^ ^emo^shed-? should it be burnt? should it be purified

and C°nsecrated as a church ?—till the Bishop proclaimed a fast
stood S°'ernn evemng service. At this a boy, seven years old, who
there with his mother, suddenly cried aloud: ' Burn the inner

» Id. ill f. »

*^Pooi'T ' ^craI/ 5£ ev TTj ir6\ei vaoi et5w\aje Stj/x6itloi oktuj, tou tc 'HXtou Kai tt}s
tipotov C0(j Kat T0" 'At6\\wi'os Kal rijs K6prjs Kal tj]s 'Ekcittjs Kai to \eybpevov 'HpweZoc
T^s Tijjg ' ^ar's' bibl. nat. 1452. iepwiwv codd. Barocc, Vindob.) Kai <t6 (ins. Haupt)>
c°ti<i. g T''s ^oXcws, 6 {k6\ovv Tvxa-'ov (rvxtov cod. Vindob.), Kai to MapreloP (napvlov
«at. t4^r°CC-' v'ndob.), 5 %\eyov etvai tov KptjTayevous (Kp-rjTa yivovs cod. Paris, bibl.
^'*si 6 ip'i "? Ta T^"ots codd. Barocc, Vindob. The correction was made by Henschen)

^r°klos ^ e^uaL ivdo^bTepov iravTwv tCjv Upuv t&v airavTaxou.
jf a11 'flankind neo'lilatonist> wno held t,lat tne philosopher should be the hierophant
£ TG>u ' comP°sed a special hymn in honour of Marnas (Marin, v. Prod. 19 5t;Xo?
^^Xovaa afooS irpay/iareia, ov tGiv irapa toU "E\\r)<ri pbvov Tip.r]8ivTWv eyKihp-ia

i ®uni/jpjT a „a Ka' Mapi/ax Tafaiov iipvovaa Kal 'AoKkriinbv Acovtouxov 'KffKaKfapi'n}v
|Toi)s S.\y^ ayK°" 'Apa/3iots iro\vTlp.-qTov 8ebv Kal"law ttjv Kara rds <£>i\as <?ti Tip.wp.ivqv
. *Pi 6Vt r> a""Xus aVacras. Kai 7ap irp6x«/>°" iftaro eTxev <W Kat tXeyev 6 8eoat§i(TTaToi
Ep»ireuT{,„ Koi^ *0" Tporficet ou puis Tivbs wbXews ov5e tCiv trap' ivlois irarpluv ehai
Q tlence ^ To5 "oap.ov kpocpdvTrjy).

'uget in'T0"' episL IO'" 2 iam et Aegyptius Serapis factus est Christianus; Marnas
in"'"'" t"'°phe*t USUS Ct eversionem tempi" iugiter pertremiscit. Cp. cund. comment, in
eCclesias dnm-"'-17 'Xxiv- 24' M'gne) Serapion Alexandriae et Marnae templum Gazae
um'ni surrexerunt.