Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Zeus Ombrios


head spout, from which gushes a stream of water still coloured
green. The base is inscribed 'The Goddess of Showers1.' This
terra cotta combines, cleverly enough, two Hellenistic motives—
that of the crouching Aphrodite2 and that of the lion's-head
fountain3. Perhaps we are meant to conclude that the pitcher-
hearing goddess was mistress of some neighbouring spring. If so,
We can hardly forget that Chytroi, the 'Pitchers,' with its well-
known double spring4, was within easy reach of Salamis.

Fig. 382.

(h) Zeus Hyetios.

Iiygtl sen^aUy similar to Zeus Ombrios, ' the Showery,' was Zeus
boj-jj S' *he Rainy5.' We have already seen that Nonnos applied
ndmes to one god6; and, whereas Plutarch's list of agricultural
1 Tl •

The discre1150"1^0" GEA H OMBRIOS [sic) is given in the text as BEA H OMBRIOS.
tetra cotta • niay t>e due to mere carelessness, but rouses our suspicion. Where is the

3 A- Ca" qUestion ? 2 Winter Ant. Terrakotten ii. 205 no. 1.

'm°dern3\ artault Terres cuites grecques Paris (1890) p. 75 f. pi, 22 collection Lecuyer

T Lit°arrhUmmer in PauIy—Wissowa Real-Em. iii. 2531.

ipiktet. dJs al,usi°ns to Zeus 'tiriM will be found in Aristot. de mundo 7. 401 a 17 f.,

* ^adorf) \J" I9' 12' 2-' l6' Colnut- the«l- 9 P- 9> 12f- LanS' Aristeid- 8 (»•
2t3, s37, 6.'22aX' Tyri diss- 41' 2> Po11- •« 24> Themist. or. 30, 349 A, Nonn. Dion. 2.
£>' '°3' 23- 27- 3?«' 8* I3<5, 2W> 2'4' IO- 297 (Zagreus), 12. 59, 13- 5". ■*» 334.
6> 2, Prov 2 7; 25- "4. 27. 13, 31. 214, 39. 141, 46. 30, 47. 545. 600, argum.
P- Gaz- epist. 26, 136. 6 .SV/nz p. 531.

c- HI.
