Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Zeus Hyetios at Didyma 565

the twentieth day of the spring month Batromios there was
a sacrifice to Zeus Poliais. The victim was an ox chosen the
Previous day with due solemnity. Seven and twenty oxen, given
|ty the nine subsections of each of the three Dorian tribes, were led
n procession to the market-place. Here nine of the beasts were
Set apart and mixed before presentation. A table was placed,
Presumably in the precinct of Zeus, whose priest sat beside it with
*he sacrificial attendants near him. He had or held something
sacied; but what it was we do not know for certain, because
Unfortunately the text at this point is illegible. The most probable
°njecture makes him dressed in a sacred garment. Each tribe in
rn then presented three of the nine oxen to the priest. First the
rarr»phyloi drove up the three finest; next the Hylleis, another
ree5 lastly the Dymanes, the remaining three. If none of these
Vere chosen, the process recommenced; and so on, till the whole
Urnber of twenty-seven oxen had been driven up to the table. If
a11 thes


-se proved unsatisfactory, a further selection of nine oxen, one

each of the three sections of each tribe, was made. These were

a with the rest and driven up to the table as before, when the
Una] 1 . r

its C took place. The ox that bowed its neck (and so signified
as ^'hingness to die1) was sacrificed to Hestia by a priest described
•j, e Prerogative-bearer2 of the kings,' that is, of the tribal kings3.
rtlar^°x chosen for Zeus was brought by the heralds into the
' t 6 "Place, where its owner or his representative declared:
Present the ox to the Coans; let the Coans pay the price thereof

(s° Hick ao"]Tl' iTreira iire\di>T[ u] ] [aJr]ts Kara ravra. Sienu Si, at p.iy Ka i>7roK[i}^]ei
e*an'plesS r VO" 1Jrott CJ- i>TroK[dii\p~\(L. W. Schulze in Hermes 1885 xx 491 f. cites
"^ePea0(5po "el ^ an °'c' f°rrn of the sigmatic aorist subjunctive), toll 'hrrtax' 66\[ei St
^PU-a. Kz°^fa'"'^u"' Ka' 'CP& Trapix*i Ka' trtBitl icpa il; [i)\\[p.]itKT0V, yip-q Si \ap.f3cu>ei tA
'tQi] J 2^„'° "*"os> lepoiroifoi] j [S]i [<r]irAos, to. Si SXXa Kpia ras jt6Xios. top St Kpidivra

0 ftiOs ij VKtS ^°"Tl " iryopar' ivei Si Ka iv rai ayopai t(0[y]\[Tt], dyopeiei oi Ka qi
°86kt(<, °s VTtp irf'ov eVdefiofs'] I ["Ka>]i[o]i5 wapixw fiodv, Kciioi St rcp-av

sacrinceH 6r sacrificed to Artemis IJepaia by Lucullus (Plout. v. Luc. 24) and the

1 2 **• von p° dauSnters of Skedasos by Pelopidas (Plout. v. Pel. 22).

> "le Bull r ad loc' CP" an '"scr'P1'00 from Pserimos near Myndos (W. R. Paton
s official °'r'- ^e^' l8^8 x'i- ^82 no. 7, 3 Kal tov yept)<p6pov Avp. Aijp.oKplrov rod /3').
perquisit , carried the 7^, i.e. those parts of the sacrificial victim that were the
3 , . UI the -

Arislot "e priesls (P. Stengel in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vii. 1245 f-).

-"aiOt. f,0l ~ /r, -----B ----1 --------T"

'** "'ixo-aj f ' ' \b'- 8- '322 b 26 ff. exop-tvn Si Tavr-qs i) irpbs Tas 6volas atpupiopivri ras
fob' KaXoCo-^T! M^ T0's uPe p<ri" diroSioWiK 6 vbp.os, dXX' airb tt)s koipiJs co-Has (xomi 7V
p ^OjSao-jXjj °l ^" °-PX°VTa* toUtovs, oi Si j3a<riXfis, oi St Trpvravus, Poll. 8. in oi
-<l<r'?Ve'<C J"' ^ tVKaTpiSCjp ovres, fiiXtffra tCiv Upwv iw(/ie\ovi>to, o-weSpeuovres if Tip
(' Priestiy It- T° P°VKoX('<»'- See further Frazer Golden Bough3: The Magic Art i.
m£s in ancient Italy and Greece ').