Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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570 The Ox-slaughter of

verbal parallel to the Bouphonia of Athens is the Taurophdnia of
Mylasa in Karia1, a possible stepping-stone between the tw°
localities being Anaphe in the Kyklades2.

ii. The Ox-slaughter of Zeus Polieus at Athens.


On the Akropolis at Athens, north of the north-eastern an&^
of the Parthenon3, stood the altar and statue of Zeus Polieils; afl
close to it, another statue of Zeus, by the sculptor Leochares4. Th^
form and fashion of these two statues can hardly be determine
with certainty. But Otto Jahn has made it at least probable tha*
both of them were represented on the bronze coinage of Athens •
The relevant types are as follows.

Of coins issued during the Hellenistic age, from c. 323 B'
onwards, one group, and that the most numerous, shows Zeus ^
a nude figure striding forward with his left foot in advance: ^
right hand is uplifted and brandishes a bolt; his left is thrown ^
before him as if to secure balance (figs. 388—390)6. If we stress ^
analogy of bronze statuettes made during the early decades of

1 Lebas—Waddington Asie Mineure no. 404 (quoted supra ii. 582 n. 5)- See ^e 0f
the Class. Rev. 1903 xvii. 417, Nilsson Gr. Feste p. 252, and the excellent ai
Ziehen in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. v A. 24—27. tev/s.y

- Inscr. Gr. ins. iii no. 249 (a base of bluish local marble built into the outei g fl
of the monastery of the Panagia Kalamiotissa, on the site of the temple of 1 ^ g;
'Ao-yeXdras at Anaphe, and inscribed in lettering not earlier than s. i f ,C'^tt! [r«]
a\r'\e<pa.vCico.i [t]6p wpoeip-qfii[yov'\ \ [' Apx\uvl5av xpvcreqi aretpdvip d/M<r[r]e[fJ<f> 6" * a[pfa'
'{v[eKa ras 7r]o[Vi] ] [top Be]6v, dperas Se Kai tpiXowovias tSs es Ta|>] irarplSa, Kai "''"t £ r]i
aeo~]\[8]ai [K~\ad' ^Kaffrov tviavrbv virb tov KararvyxdvovTOS UpoKdpvKOS ^1/1 I ^0iS
iravayvpu twv ' AaycXalav i[K] rod ftw/j.ov jaerd ras dvulas [rajs ro[0 BeoS] I 1"
6euc)a(i)(rio!s ra Bpv... Kai virb to.......Ta Tavpo(p6vrja /xerd rds ] [<r]7roc5ds' K-f- '

3 W. Judeich Topographie von Athen2 Munchen 1931 p. 242. IIoV^5'

4 Paus. 1. 24. 4 Kai Ai6s iariv ayaXfia, t6 re Aewxdpovs Kai 6 6vo/ia^bp-evos ^ fi\
rd KadetTrrjKdTa es tt]v Bvfflav ypatpuv ttjv eV' avrois \eyoy.ivrjv alrlav ov yp^01
(cited infra p. 577 n. 2). rrisp""1'

5 O. Jahn 'Giove Polieo in Atene' in the Nuove Memorie dell' Institute at W geas
enza Archeologica 1865 ii. 1—24 with pi. 1. See also Overbeck Gr. Kunstmy ' ^
pp. 19, 24, 54 ff., Imhoof-Blumer and P. Gardner Num. Comm. Pans, iii- *37 ' . pen
1—3. But G. Lippold in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. xii. 1996 is more caut.'°"ung allf
athenischen Zeus [sc. Aewxdpovs] wollte Jahn...ohne ausreichende Begr" jstiscl>eS
athenischen Miinzen wiedererkennen, die jedenfalls nichts fiir L. Chara^
zeigen.' . s ji- 7'

6 Brit. Mns. Cat. Coins Attica etc. p. 80 f. pi. 14, 4—6, Hunter Cat. * ^ f.
pi. 34, 15, McClean Cat. Coins ii. 362 f. pi. 210, 11 and 13, Head Hist- nutn- ^)0tiies
But by far the fullest collection of material is that of J. N. Svoronos *fs pl. Si>
cCAthenes Munich 1923—1926 pl. 70, 26, pl. 71, 8, 9, pl. 73. «■ P1, 77' 2 looi^^
32—52. My fig. 388 is from a specimen in my collection, fig- 389 from geUl^ Lt$
and P. Gardner Num. Comm. Pans. iii. 137 pl. BB, 1, fig- 39° from
monnaics d'At/ienes Paris 1858 p. 301 fig.