Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Zeus as an ox; Zeus Olbios 609

Akropolis1 and were entrusted with the discharge of several sacred
duties. It is said that the priestess of Athena was drawn from their
number2. More certainly, they provided the priest of Zeus Te'/eios3,
who as a marriage-god yoked man and wife together4. They also
furnished the priest of Zeus at the Palladion*. In Roman times
both these functionaries had seats reserved for them in the theatre.
■^nd on one occasion the latter, at the bidding of the Pythian
Apollon, had a new image of Pallas made at his own expense and
dedicated to the gods and to the city6. Why the cult at the
Palladion should have been in the hands of the Bouzygai appears
fr°m a story told by Polyainos7:

Uemophon received the Palladion in trust from Diomedes and took care of
A , ^^en Agamemnon asked it back, Demophon gave the genuine image to an
nenian named Bouzyges to take to Athens, but made another of the same
"Ze and shape and kept it in his tent. When Agamemnon attacked him with a
■ 0n& force, Demophon for a long time put up a great fight and so created the
Pression that he was defending the genuine image. But when many men had
tj^6" w°unded, the followers of Demophon gave way, and Agamemnon seized
a'se Palladion and, falling into the trap, went off with it.'

^ gather from other writers that Demophon was the first person
in'v^l ^ court at tne Palladion, which dealt with cases of
untary homicide, though several versions of his crime are
• The noteworthy point is that the name Demophon again

rects our attention to Eleusis, where he was Demeter's nurseling
even K c .

etore Triptolemos9. We are not, therefore, surprised to find

1 Ar'

2 g rrS'e'^' or- 2- ' 3 (i- 20 Dindorf) koX Boufiryjj! Tit virij\0t fie twv 0- aicpoTrdXeas, k.t.X.
refer to th' ^'Scllin- * fals- leS- 78 (quoted supra p. 606 n. 6). Does this in reality
min. ; flo Priestess of that Athena who was worshipped eVl IIaXXa67(f> (hiscr. Gr. ed.

3 r-, ' 32+' 78 ['A8]evalas eiri ilaWaSloi, 'AOevaias Ctrl IlaXXaSi'oi)?

n. o, gg. esych- s. vv. Zvyia- i]"Upa..., Ziryios- Zeis.... Supra i. 458 n. 8 and ii. 60

5 C°V 723 n-°'954 n. o.

ardner Qi 'SCr' jittm 1 no- 273 = Michel Recueil d'Inscr. gr. no. 860. 34 = Roberts—
^heatre ' ']'^t^r• ii. 467 ff. no. 271 Bovpjyov | Uptwt Aios iv \ UaWadiip on a seat in the

6 C°*P ^Uer'ng later than Hadrian.

^0l,^7i)s 'Six"'' A"' "'' 1 n°' '' 1° 5£'*'a---toO Aios tov M UaXKadlov /cai

!s°[s] t^'s I°?kt"a']''Ou(?) yiapaduviov, | xpTjoai-ros tov llvSlov 'AttAXXwcos, 8ti XPV t™pov
?"^Iicex. ^ a^Wos Kara|(TKf vdaaffdai en tu>v ISLuv jroi)<ros tois tc dtoh nal rrj ttAXci |
. ^- E)itt eckh in the Corp. inscr. Gr. i no. 491 had proposed to read Mapa6wt>w[s],
lnirUm s;t nenl:ierger replies : 'ne ita quidem omnis difficultas removetur, cum admodum

7 P°lyai°men Patr'S hoc demum loco positum.'

S ^ 3 {fir ' *' 5' Cp" Dionysios of Samos frag. 5 (Frag. hist. Gr. ii. 9 f. Miiller) -
tahUn. * f' Hist. i. I?8f. Jacoby) ap. Clem. Al. protr. 4. 47- 6 P- 36, 1.5 ff-

8 Paus- i. 2

GruPPe r 8 f' Wkh Sir J* G- Frazer loc-
C- * ' Myth. Rd. pp. 52, 652 f. Supra i. 211
