Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The birth of Athena in art 691

was with an eye to both sources of evidence that the sculptor
K. Schwerzek1 in 1904 produced the first really satisfactory filling
of the central space—Zeus enthroned to the right, Athena moving
away from him but facing left, and Nike hovering between them
Wreath in hand. A. Prandtl2 in 1908, following theputeal with more
absolute fidelity, went further in the same direction. He plotted in,
"ot only Zeus, Athena, and Nike3, but also the axe-bearing god



Jv 0 °«


/A *

Fig. 499.

^hind the throne of Zeus. Moreover, taking a hint from Sauer, he
ded next to Athena the extant torso of a god starting back in

retrPnSe or alarm* This fine figure on the r'ght aPt]y balances the
eating axe-bearer on the left.

S?" ^chwerzek Erlduterungen zu dem Versuch einer Rekonstruktion des oslluhen


W. jf "Vj&tMs Wien 1904 p. jS. pi. 1 ( = my pi. lvii, 3),
^ecti0' ^a'm'3erg in Zapiski (Transactions of the Classical
.1 j0' the Imperial Russian Archaeological Society)

-on' *^ ^randtl 'Fragmente der Giebelgruppen des Parthe-

Prand"lthe A'k' MUth' 1908 XXxiH- ' ff'fig- ' ( = my fig- 499>'
recognise, among the fragments attributed to

tlie lef,'?1611011 pediments, the right heel of the axe-bearer,
llleiHs f ^ anc' Part °^ tne drapery °f Zeus, also two frag-
_WOm the right wing of Nike.

£• 36 in A. 11. Smith The Sculptures of the Parthenon

aXe ))ea^ (height o^i"1), is on a scale large enough to suit this

'uii^ " fahl, like B. Sauer, regards a hovering Nike as
''and , . Jar' and postulates at most a Nike held in the god's

4 ^ay~b- d- kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1926 xli. 1 70).
'9io p ' Sm'th The Sculptures of the Parthenon London
' 22 P1- 13. 11, M. Collignon Le Parthenon Paris s.a. p.