Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The birth of Athena in art 693

He also cited the polychrome pelike from Jiiz Oba {supra ii. 258 ff.

Pi- xvi) as another vase reminiscent of the Parthenonian design.
We may take it, then, that this disposition of the central group

is so highly probable as to be practically certain. But, before

attempting to extend it right and left, I would draw attention to

°ne or two details.

it is surely hard to believe that Pheidias would have left, as on
Madrid pitteal, a large blank rectangle beneath the throne of

Zeus. K. Schwerzek in his reconstruction (pi. lvii, 3) tries to minimise

bet^0 Jectionable feature by inserting a cross-bar and a sunk panel
t0 k Gen the leSs of the throne. The effect is not good : Zeus appears
seated on a pile of boxes. It occurred to me1 that a simple

Statuary., 1Irab'y fl" tne aPex °f 'he pediment, and that the vase-painter observing the
tlle ftron °UP fr°m below m'ght well indicate, as he has done, the under-surface of
°f tlle °f ZeUS" The Iast °f these arSuments is> 1 think, the weakest: the drawing
ancl eS- \>h\, be merely an effect of pseudoperspective (see supra p. 92 with fig. 33
Qr' Vase,, A/a/erei "■ Zeichnung d. Gr. ii. 604 f., Furtwangler—Reichhold—Hauser
P x^\^'alerH "'• 145 Was Sanz besonders aufiallt, ist die stark betonte Unteransicht
e'n> vo"" GeSenstande> z. B. sieht man unter die Kline, unter Laomedons Chiton
1 I n°n dem Scnemel sogar samtliche Querleisten seiner Unterflache')).
'3 Feb 5,1 Put forward my reconstruction in a paper read to the Hellenic Society on
tllat ''read'' ^°"rn% HelL Soc- '9'7 xxxvii p. xlivff.). But years afterwards I found
Problem , / ln '9'2 J- N. Svoronos had hit upon the same solution of this particular
U by sund i"tcr"- d'Arch. Num. 1912 xiv. 274 pi. 16') and had sought to justify

Parallels drawn from coin-types (e.g. Gnecchi Mcdagl. Rom. ii. 15 no. 53