Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The birth of Athena in art 695

Athena identical, as Schneider1 points out, with the goddess of the
Madrid puteal and therefore, as Svoronos2 saw, clearly derived from
the eastern pediment of the Parthenon3: this Athena is shown pro-
ceeding from Zeus4 but looking back towards him with a gesture
°f uncertain import5; she carries her shield and commonly her
spear too in the left hand. The same type occurs on engraved gems

F«g'5«- Fig.su. Fig. 513.

pi x-0"1 BeU'^ loc' cit'' fig- 5°3' from Svoronos P>- 85, 24 Paris; fig. 505, from Svoronos
nl o5' 19 Atllens; % 507. from Svoronos pi. 8;, 8 Gotha; fig. 509, from Svoronos

1 ' °5. 35 McClean.

t r- Schneider Die Geburt Jer Athena Wien 1880 p. 39 pi. 1, 3.

i N. Svoronos in the Journ. Intern. d'Arch. Num. 1912 xiv. 274 pL IS"', 4, 9, 10.
iii. 2 Roberf in Hermes 1881 xvi. 68 f., E. A. Gardner in the Journ. Hell. Stud. [882
At]*5' ff'' ancl Frie(lerichs—Wolters Gipsabgiisse p. 389 f. no. r 176 traced this type of
movl"1 t0 t'le WCSt' n0t the east' Ped'ment- But> aPart from the fact that Athena is
spear"2-?" ^ wrong direction- her right arm should then have been raised to hold the
aUril e cr»ics were misled by the presence of the olive and the snake—variable

coin Ut<!S' which' like the ow''' were useful for filling a blank on the circular field of the

2 and' ?voronos in the J°"rn. Intern, a"Arch. Num. 1912 xiv. 273 pi. IS",
A. p ' ' = l'''- Les monnnies d'Athene* Munich 1923—1926 pi. 92, 3 Athens and 4
repre^°™anos) thinks that certain rare Athenian bronze coins of imperial date, which
°n higw^*08 enthroned towards the right with a sceptre in his right hand and an eagle
restora.e Were ''kewise copied from the Zeus of the eastern pediment. He modifies his
sistetit accortlinSIv {Journ. Intern. d'ArcA. Num. 1912 xiv pi. 16'), but is incon-
On his lz°nSh '° accePt tlle sceptre in the god's right hand while he rejects the eagle
Pattern r aS 'vP0(r^V toQ <t(ppayi5oy\vtpov.' It seems wiser to follow throughout the

hand ' ("'rose in the McClean Cat. Coins ii. 364 f. no. 5949 'patera in extended r.
sPecime \ 5950 'Patera not clear.' But is there any patera, clear or otherwise, on either

on " . cp- s"Pra p- rr- n. 4-

tte»Vah f?"*6 m«'allion of Commodus, struck in the year 191 A.I)., a very similar
Qn ,-S a sprig ol"olive in her outstretched hand (Frohner Me"d. emp. rom. p. 137 f.
l'le \VeK ' AfcdaSl- Rom. ii. =57 no. 47 pi. 81, 6 Paris. The specimen, formerly in
^ardn r co"ec,i°n and now in the British Museum, figured by Imhoof-Blumer and
olive K •**' C<"'""' Paus- i'i- 129 pi. Z, 13 shows Minerva plucking the sprig from
ut is unfortunately 'troppo ritoccato' (Gnecchi loc. cit.)).