Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The birth of Athena in art 713

Despoina, in accordance with her cult-title, a ' Queen ' seated on
a throne, he therefore found room for the sacred
receptacle on her lap and ipso facto displaced the
corn-ears of his original. The restoration of the
Parthenon Persephone with corn-ears in her right
hand and a sceptre in her left is supported by
the existence of a similar type on the imperial
bronze coinage of Athens (fig. 527)1.

The reclining god next to Demeter is Dionysos. This identifi-
cation, first mooted by F. G. Welcker2 in 1817, doubted by
W. M. Leake3 in 1821, but re-affirmed by E. Gerhard4 in 1840,
admitted with a query by A. Michaelis5 in 1871, and then more
definitely established by E.Petersen6 in 1873, is accepted nowadays
V most critics and has in fact become the official view7. The main
reasons advanced on its behalf are that the skin over which the
young god has spread his mantle appears to be a panther-skin not
a lion-skin8, that the soft seat and comfortable sandals suit a lover
°f ease9, and that Dionysos occurs in a very similar pose on a
dramatic relief from the Peiraieus10, on the choragic monument of

1 Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Attica p. 102 pi. 17, 8, Imhoof-Blumer and P. Gardner
"''in. Comm. Paus. iii. 141 pi. BB, 22 ( = my fig. 527), J. N. Svoronos Les monnaies
Athines Munich 1923—1926 pi. 93, 36—42.

F. G. Welcker in the Zeitschriftfiir Gescliichte und Auslegung der alien Kunst 1817
2°«f. 'Jacchos.'

W. M. Leake The Topography of Athens London 1821 p. 255 n. 2 'To those who
aix* inclined to think that this figure is Bacchus, reposing upon the skin of a panther, it
lay be observed, that Bacchus was a deity of too much importance among the Athenians
°' to have had a place nearer the centre of the composition.' But see infra p. 714 nn. 4, j.
Gerhard Auserl. Vasenb. i. 19 f. 'der den Dionysos gleichbedeutende, den eleusin-
'jjcien Gottinnen in schwarmeris:her Schonheit verbundene, Jiingling Iacchos/ id. Drei
'"lesungen iiber Gyps-Abgiisse Berlin 1844 p. 45 'den jugendlichen Golt eleusinischer
"eihungen den lacchos.'

A. Michaelis Der Parthenon Leipzig 1871 pp. 165, 168, id. in the Ber. sacks.
esellsch. d. Wiss. Phil.-hist. Classe 1880 p. 168 ff. pL 3,"2 f.

E. Petersen Die Kunst des Pheidias am Parthenon und zu Olympia Berlin 18; 3
P- 116 ff.

^ A. H. Smith A Guide to the Sculptures of the Parthenon London 1908 p. 20
Oth"°S D 3' Sculpt"^* of the Parthenon London 1910 p. 9 f. fig. 16 and pi. 2.

er good photographs in M. Collignon Le Parthenon Paiis 1909—1912 pi. 47.
he Petersen op. cit. p. 1 [9 (the skin can hardly be leonine, since no mane is visible;
HU. 6. ann man fuglicher ein Pantherfell drin sehen, das unter den Gottern im Olymp

einem, dem Dionysos, eigenlhiimlich ist'), A. H. Smith in the Brit. Mus. Cat.
,j"re '■ '07 and in A Guide to the Sculptures of the Parthenon London 1908 p. 20.

de"ts / ^tuc'niczl<a in tlle Melanges Perrot Paris 1902 p. 307 ff., id. in the Jahrb. d. kais.
All , "rc!l- Inst. 1904 xix. 2 a, 5, Further bibliography and discussion in Svoronos
• ""tionalmus. p. 512 ff. no. 1 soo pi. 82, Reinach Kip. Keliefs ii. 412 no. 3.