Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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79° The owl of Athena

587)1 or lead tokens (figs. 589, 590)2 of Athenian dikasts, of the owl
branded on the bodies of Athenian slaves3, and doubtless of other
analogous cases.

Fig. 589. Fig. 590.

Either a limited number of jurymen took the trouble to acquire this surcharge on the'
tickets, or the custom of surcharging all jurymen's tickets prevailed for a limited period )•

1 J. N. Svoronos 'ITEPI TON EISITHPIfiN TON APXAIfiN' in the J0"'?'^
Intent, d'Arch. Num. 1898 i. 37—120 pis. 3—6, id. Les monnaies d'Athhm Mi»licr
1923—1926 pis. 100—102, Babelon Monn. gr. rdtn. i. 1. 696—700. E. CaiHel11
in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. ii. 191 figs. 2411 Berlin and 2412 Meletopoulos ( -
figs. 587 and 586) published two specimens, which have for reverse type four owls gi'°uP ,
about two sprigs of olive with the legend Oea/j.offeTui'. They bear a curious, but presuma '
accidental, resemblance to a clay seal-impression found by Sir A. J. Evans in '9
towards the bottom of the 'Eastern Repository' at Knossos and referred by him to
'Middle Minoan hi' period, i.e. c. 1700—1580 B.C. (Sir A. J. Evans in the Ann- f0S
Sch. Ath. 1902—1903 ix. 55 ff. fig. 33 ( = my fig. 588: scale f ), id. The Palace of Min^
at Knossos London 1921 i. 695 f. fig. 518, f, cp. ib. 1935 iv. 2. 487 with fig- 410' a^te
'Early Minoan' breccia cup from Mochlos and fig. 410 bis, a—d ivory seal of similaI
from Mesara—both cut into the shape of a little owl). ;,

2 J. N. Svoronos 'IIEPI TfiN EI2ITHPI0N TON APXAIfiN' in the Journ. In
d'Arch. Num. 1900 iii. 3:9—343 pis. [7—20, Babelon Monti, gr. rom. i. I. 7°°

E. Caillemer in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. ii. 192 f. figs. 2413 and 2414 { — m^ ay
590 and 589) published two specimens, on which the owl appears between two

of olive lettered 0A H • ^ an

3 During the Samian War the Athenians branded their prisoners on the face 1