Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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8o2 The owl of Athena

spear (fig. 604)1 or more often spears (figs. 605, 606)2. C. Lenor-
mant3 and, after him, E. Babelon4 ingeniously explained this as a
black eagle named Valeria?. But F. Imhoof-Blumer and O. Keller6,


Fig. 604. Fig. 605. Fig. 606.

followed by M. Bahrfeldt7, observe that the feathers of the bird are
spotted as in some species of owls. There can then be little doubt
but that here too we see Athena as a quasi-bivd. The same type>
with sundry variations, occurs on a series of engraved gems and
pastes of Roman date (figs. 607, 608)8, which were probably sup"


1 M. Bahrfeldt Nachtrdge und Berichtigimgen zur Miinzkimde Wien 1897 p- 2?
pi. 12, 271 ( = my fig. 604) from a coin which passed from the Bunbury to the Haeberh0
collection, Brit. Mus. Cat. Rom. Coins Rep. i. 535 no. 4105 pi. 53, 4. I have anothe'
specimen showing the single spear.

2 Babelon Monn. rip. torn. ii. 519 f. no. 18 wrongly described with figs, of two spea'-j
crossed and two spears parallel, Brit. Mus. Cat. Rom. Coins Rep. i. 535 nos. 4r
P'' 53> 5 and 4107 with two spears crossed, i. 536 no. 4108 pi. 53, 6 (=my fig- 606)
two spears parallel. Fig. 605 is from an example in my collection.

3 C. Lenormant in the Nouv. Ann. 1838 ii. 142 ff. pi. i>, 2 with two spears paralle •

4 Babelon Monn. rip. rom. ii. 516, 520.

6 Lenormant and Babelon both rely on Plin. nat. hist. 10. 6 aquilae maximus 'l0n°J
maxima et vis. sex earum genera: melanaetos a Graecis dicta [eadem in Valeria], mm
magnitudine, viribus praecipua, colore nigricans. But the text is uncertain. D. Detie
inserted the brackets, and C. Mayhoff on the strength of Aristot. hist. an. 9. 32. 6'" ^
lieXavatTos Kai \ayw<povos suspects that in ualeria covers some such word as Up01 ^
Further, Lenormant and Babelon compare the part played by an eagle in the stol^rot
Valeria Luperca (Plout. parall. Gr. et Rom. 35 \oifiov KaTao-xovros QaXeptovs (so J. A ^
for xaAepfous) Kat- ^Gopas yevo/j.tviis, xPV^f^os ^d68ij Xco0?}<Tai to oeivbv, eav irap^voV , ^
Upa dvauiv tear evLOLvrov. ad 5e rijs SeiaiSai/iovlas p.eyovo-i]s Kara tiKrjpov ^"^j./flC
OvaKepla AoviripKa (so. Guarinus for ToviripKa) airaaanivr] to S;t<pos, [ijyeTO «' f
[supplet cod. E)] derds Karairras ripiraae Kai eVi t&v tpLirtipuv gdtjKe pa(3doi> p.iKpav ^0^p0^
ccpvpav, to dk %L(pos iirifiake dapLaXei tlvl wapa t6v vabv (3o<TKopAvTj. vo'qcao'a 5e t\ ira^^^
Kai tt)v j3ovv dvaaaa Kai ttjv acpvpav dpacra, KaT ohiav ircpiyjXde, Kai roi)s ^^^jydt'
-rjpep-a TrX-rjTTouo'a SiyyeLpti', eppu)o~9aL evi e/cdtrry \£yovaa. odev Kai vvv t6

ujs 'ApKTTelStjs eV fypeaKatdeK&to} 'ItoKik&v {frag. 10 {Frag. hist. Gr. iv. 322 IVLullerr^
see W. Christ Geschiclite der griechischen Lilteratur1* Miinchen 1920 ii. i- aS
flimsy character of this writer). 0)i

s F. Imhoof-Blumer and O. Keller Tier- und Pflanzenbilder auf M«n%e'
Gemmen Leipzig 1889 p. 74. o

7 M. Bahrfeldt Nachtrdge und Berichtigimgen zur Miinzkimde Wien 1897 P- „neley
(1) Brit. Mus. Cat. Gems''' p. 248 no. 2484 pi. 28 a black jasper from the 1° t\

collection: bird to right, with helmeted head of Athena, carrying shield ant^ onpan(jfk*
inscribed with the owner's name CHARITO (my fig. 607 is enlarged (?) from T- pjjjl.'
Gemmen mit Inschriften Berlin 1852 p. 103 pi. 4, 12 ( = Abh. d. berl. Akad. rf5
hist. Classe p. 487 pi. 4, 12)).