Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cust, Lionel; Colvin, Sidney [Hrsg.]
History of the Society of Dilettanti — London, 1898

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ABDiCATioN,or resignatioiL,39-4i.
Aberdeen, Earl of. See Hamilton-
Academy of Arts, schemes for an,

Academy of Painters, &c, letters

from, 54, 57.

Acton, Lord, 197.

Admission of members, form of
instrument for, 39.

Adye, Mr. Thomas, 31, 32.

Aegina Marbles, 15:5*, i<(6.

Ainslie,Sir Robert, 144; ambassa-
dor to the Ottoman Porte, 145:;
his collection of Oriental coins,

Almack's, Society's removal to,23.

Anson, Mr. Thomas, 8, %x.

Antiquities of Athens, The, 79,
80, roi, 103 n.

Apollo Didymaeus, temple of, 87,


Apollo Smintheus, temple of, 200.

Arch-Master of the ceremonies,
the, 29, 35>, appointment of"
Earl of Sandwich, 29; com-
mittee on apparelling, 293 robe,
cap, and sword, 29; suspension
of Earl of Sandwich, 30; Sir
Francis Dashwood appointed,
3 o; appointment of Mr. Savage,
30; modes of election, 30.

Archaeological Institute of Rome,
an, 212, 214.

Archaeological study, changed con-
ditions of, 209-211; revival
of, 212-214 j Society's attitude
towards, 214, 215-.

Archaeology, classical, 58, 69;
stimulated by Earl of Arundel,
70, 71 i other collectors, 71,
725 explorations in situ: Noin-
tel and Carrey, 72, 73 ; Spon
and Wheler,73 ; Chishull, 74;
Brettingham and Gavin Hamil-
ton, 74,7? ; Stuart and Revett,
7f-77j Dawkins and Wood,
7 8,79 ; Le Roy and Dalton, 79.

Archaeology, General, Chair of,
founded at Cambridge, 211.

Archer, Mr. Thomas (afterwards
Lord Archer), 8, 13, 14, 219;
President of first recorded
meeting of Society, 23.

Arundel Marbles, 70, 71.

Arundel Society, rpo, 191.

Ascough, Mr., 62.

Ash, Dr., io<j.

Ashburnham, Earl of, 77.

Ashburton, Lord. See Baring.

Asia Minor and Greece, expedi-
tion to, 815 choice of Chandler,
Revett, and Pars, 83, 84; in-
structions, 84-87; their work
in the Troad and Ionia, 87,88;
approval of the Society, 88, 89;