Tomb No. 127 (of Senemioh), 9
Tomb No. i3o (of May), 52
Tomb No. i3i (of Amenuser), 3o
Tomb No. 172 (of Mentiywey), 52, 64
Tomb No. 181 (of Nebamon and Ipuky-
"Tombeau des Graveurs"), 22, 23, 4i»
5i, 52, 56
Tomb No. 217 (of Apuy), 64
"Tombeau des Graveurs," see Tomb No. 181
Tombs as homes of the dead, i3-i6, 18-20,
Tombs contracted for, 44, 46
Tombs, form of rock-, 5, 12, i3, i4, 20
Tree-deities, 46
Ushabti-box, 4i
Vases depicted, 56, 57, 63
Vaulted ceilings in tombs, 20
Vines, wild, 70
Vintage, scenes of, 69, 70
Walking-stick, 4o
Waste lands, products of, 66, 70
W^-priests, 49
Wenuti as title, 49
West, goddess of the, 8
Windows in tombs, 19
Wine-jars, seals, 70
Wine-press, 70
Winnowing floor, 62, 63
Woser, tomb of, see Tomb No. 61
Woserhet, tomb of, see Tomb No. 5i
Valley of the Tombs of the Kings (Wady Yellow mantles, 56
Biban el Muluk), 4, i5
Varnish, use of, 57, 58 Zau, tomb of, 3o
Tomb No. 127 (of Senemioh), 9
Tomb No. i3o (of May), 52
Tomb No. i3i (of Amenuser), 3o
Tomb No. 172 (of Mentiywey), 52, 64
Tomb No. 181 (of Nebamon and Ipuky-
"Tombeau des Graveurs"), 22, 23, 4i»
5i, 52, 56
Tomb No. 217 (of Apuy), 64
"Tombeau des Graveurs," see Tomb No. 181
Tombs as homes of the dead, i3-i6, 18-20,
Tombs contracted for, 44, 46
Tombs, form of rock-, 5, 12, i3, i4, 20
Tree-deities, 46
Ushabti-box, 4i
Vases depicted, 56, 57, 63
Vaulted ceilings in tombs, 20
Vines, wild, 70
Vintage, scenes of, 69, 70
Walking-stick, 4o
Waste lands, products of, 66, 70
W^-priests, 49
Wenuti as title, 49
West, goddess of the, 8
Windows in tombs, 19
Wine-jars, seals, 70
Wine-press, 70
Winnowing floor, 62, 63
Woser, tomb of, see Tomb No. 61
Woserhet, tomb of, see Tomb No. 5i
Valley of the Tombs of the Kings (Wady Yellow mantles, 56
Biban el Muluk), 4, i5
Varnish, use of, 57, 58 Zau, tomb of, 3o