With the end of this approach a sudden dip in the ground was
reached which may be the line of the dromos of Mentuhotep. Close to
the end of the southern boundary wall and slightly below its level, a
plastered pavement was reached and a slight enclosure of brick to the
east of it, which appeared to be the superstructure of a shaft. As these
were deeply buried and lay outside the tomb area, they were left for
later examination in the course of our general excavations.
It was to be expected that scattered remains might be found of a
period earlier than that of our tomb. Two splinters of one of those
boards covered with fine, smooth, ivory-colored stucco, which the Egyp-
tians used as writing-tablets in the Middle Kingdom and subsequent
period and buried with their dead, even when not of funerary import,
were exhumed, but unfortunately can only afford us separate words or
parts of words (Plate LXXIX, A). A toy bird, to be mounted on a horizon-
tal pivot and made by means of a string to peck at crumbs, also found
its way into the baskets (cf. Carnarvon-Garter, Explorations, PI. LXIV).
Nearly all excavations in the necropolis produce some of the stamped
pottery cones which are associated with the burial of most officials,
though not some of the greatest. Puyemre is among the exceptions; but
these cones stray far in Thebes, and some belonging to men assuredly
not buried in the vicinity were picked up on the site. They include one
example each of Nos. 65, i46, 212, 261, 278, 289, in Daressy's Cones
Funeraires, and two examples of a cone of Amenemhet, scribe, fan-
bearer (?) of the king, superintendent of the kitchen(P), the treasury, and
the 'hnwti. A dozen or more cones of "Wajmosy, scribe of the second
priest of Anion," seem to be really connected with the site, as the number
of cones and his depiction in the tomb testify (Plate VIII, 3). Besides
this there are similar stamps on fragments of burnt brick (Daressy, Nos.
273 and in), and large mud bricks of the ami-khant, Amenhotpe
(Lepsius, D. T., Ill, p. 25o), and of Khons, steward of the treasury.
Two poor ostraca, inscribed, one in hieratic, the other in Coptic, were
also found.1
'The latter, as published by W. E. Crum in his "Short Texts," No. 36i, suggests that an anchorite,
named Paul, was living on the site at the end of the sixth century B.C.
With the end of this approach a sudden dip in the ground was
reached which may be the line of the dromos of Mentuhotep. Close to
the end of the southern boundary wall and slightly below its level, a
plastered pavement was reached and a slight enclosure of brick to the
east of it, which appeared to be the superstructure of a shaft. As these
were deeply buried and lay outside the tomb area, they were left for
later examination in the course of our general excavations.
It was to be expected that scattered remains might be found of a
period earlier than that of our tomb. Two splinters of one of those
boards covered with fine, smooth, ivory-colored stucco, which the Egyp-
tians used as writing-tablets in the Middle Kingdom and subsequent
period and buried with their dead, even when not of funerary import,
were exhumed, but unfortunately can only afford us separate words or
parts of words (Plate LXXIX, A). A toy bird, to be mounted on a horizon-
tal pivot and made by means of a string to peck at crumbs, also found
its way into the baskets (cf. Carnarvon-Garter, Explorations, PI. LXIV).
Nearly all excavations in the necropolis produce some of the stamped
pottery cones which are associated with the burial of most officials,
though not some of the greatest. Puyemre is among the exceptions; but
these cones stray far in Thebes, and some belonging to men assuredly
not buried in the vicinity were picked up on the site. They include one
example each of Nos. 65, i46, 212, 261, 278, 289, in Daressy's Cones
Funeraires, and two examples of a cone of Amenemhet, scribe, fan-
bearer (?) of the king, superintendent of the kitchen(P), the treasury, and
the 'hnwti. A dozen or more cones of "Wajmosy, scribe of the second
priest of Anion," seem to be really connected with the site, as the number
of cones and his depiction in the tomb testify (Plate VIII, 3). Besides
this there are similar stamps on fragments of burnt brick (Daressy, Nos.
273 and in), and large mud bricks of the ami-khant, Amenhotpe
(Lepsius, D. T., Ill, p. 25o), and of Khons, steward of the treasury.
Two poor ostraca, inscribed, one in hieratic, the other in Coptic, were
also found.1
'The latter, as published by W. E. Crum in his "Short Texts," No. 36i, suggests that an anchorite,
named Paul, was living on the site at the end of the sixth century B.C.