Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Dennis, George
The cities and cemeteries of Etruria: in two volumes (Band 1) — London, 1848

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.... tot vaeuas urbes !—Lucan.

Revolving, as we rest on the green turf,

The changes from that hour when He from Troy

Went up the Tiber. Rogers.

If from Veii the traveller follow the course of the Cre-
mera for five or six miles, it will lead him to the Tiber,
of which it is a tributary. In the cliffs of the lonely but
beautiful ravine through which it flows he will observe in
several places sepulchral caves, particularly at the end
nearer Veii; and on reaching the mouth of the glen,
he will have, on the right, the ruin-capt heights which
are supposed by Nibby and Gell to have been the site of
the Castle of the Pabii.

Exactly opposite the mouth of this glen, and on the
other bank of the Tiber, rises the hill which was once
crowned by the city of Pidenae. This, though beyond the
bounds of Etruria Proper, being on the left bank of the
Tiber, was an Etruscan city,3 and in all probability a colony
of Veii; for Livy speaks of the consanguinity of the inha-
bitants of the two cities.4 It seems at least to have been

3 Liv. I. IS. Strab. V., p. 226. of whom he of Fidense was the first-

4 Liv. 1. c. Plutarch (Romul.) says born. Virgil also cites it among the
Fidense was claimed by Veii. Diony- Alban colonies (yEn. VI. 773). Solinus
sius (II., p. 116) says that Fidense was (Polyhistor. II., p. 13) gives it the same
originally a colony of Alba, formed origin, and says it was settled by As-
at the same time as Momentum and canius himself. According to Plutarch
Crustumeria, and that the founders of (Romul.), Fidense, in the time of Romu-
these three towns were three brothers, lus, was possessed by the Sabines. Nie-