Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Dennis, George
The cities and cemeteries of Etruria: in two volumes (Band 1) — London, 1848

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------positis nemorosa inter juga Volsiniis.—Juvenal.

Vedeva Troja in cenere e 'n caverne :

O Ilidn, come te basso e vile
Mostrava '1 segno che li si discerne !—Dante.

From Pitigliano and its interesting neighbourhood I
proceeded to Bolsena, entering the Papal State at Ornano,
a wretched village seven or eight miles from Sorano. Pass-
port and baggage in this case proved no impedimenta; in
truth, save at Civita Yecchia, the grand portal to Rome, I
have never experienced any inconvenience on entering the
State, and have found the doganieri uniformly civil, often
courteous, and in no way forward to exert their authority
It were ungracious to attribute their forbearance to the
venality of which they are accused.

From Ornano a road runs to Acquapendente, on the high-
way from Florence to Rome. This has been supposed to
be the Acula of Ptolemy, and the colony of the Aquenses
mentioned by Pliny 1—an opinion founded merely on the

1 Ptolem. Geog. p. 72, ed. Bert. ; And the Aquae Tauri of Pliny were

Plin. N. H. III. 8—Aquenses, cognomine in the mountains, three miles from

Taurini. Dempster (de Etruria Be- CentumcelUe, or Civita Vecehia, as says

gali, II. p. 342) held this opinion. But Rutilius (I. 249),—

Cluver (ItaL Ant. II. p. 570) shows Nosge juyat Taurf ^^ de nomine

that the Acula of Ptolemy was no thermas

other than the Ad Aquileia of the Nec mora difficilis millibus ire tribus.
Peutingerian Table, the first stage from

Florentia on the road to Clusium. They are now called Bagui di Ferrata.