Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Dodwell, Edward
A classical and topographical tour through Greece, during the years 1801, 1805, and 1806: in two volumes (Band 2) — London, 1819

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Journey to Thessaly—Kasha—Castle of Phyle—Skourto—To Kakasialasi—Thebes—Lake of
Ilylika—Villages Sengena and Karditza—Ruins of Akraiphnion—lluins of a City, probably
Kopai—Lake Kopais—Village Kokinos—Katabathra—Village Martini—Pass of Andera—
Ruins—Opuntian Gulf—Likadi Islands—Ruins of a City—Town of Talando—Village
Libanatis—Ancient Fort near the Sea—Ruins of a City—Villages Longaki, Dervit-
ziali, Andera, and Katomolo—Pass of Thermopylae—Thermal Springs—Mount Oeta—


1 had long meditated a journey through Thessaly, the pastoral
beauties of which had been deeply impressed upon my imagination
by the writers of antiquity. We chose the month of May for this
excursion, in hopes of being able to complete it, and return to Athens
before the great heats, and the season of fevers, should commence.
We accordingly quitted Athens on the 17th of May, taking the road
to Thebes, through the village of Kasha, and over Mount Parnes, by
the Castle of Phyle. As soon as we reached the northern side of
the mountain, we enjoyed a fine view of Eubosa, the Opuntian Gulf,
and the magnificent range of the Boeotian and Phocean Mountains,
amongst which the most conspicuous were Cithaeron, Helicon, and
Parnassos. We descended the rugged steeps of Parnes through a
forest of small firs, shrubs, and bushes, and arrived at a. green plain ;
to the left of which is a village, named Kalasala, and a ruined tower
on an eminence above. Towards the close of the day, we arrived at
an Albanian village, called Skourto, where we passed the night.
The distance from the Castle of Phyle to this place, is two hours and
three quarters ; and four hours more from Athens.

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