Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Dodwell, Edward
A classical and topographical tour through Greece, during the years 1801, 1805, and 1806: in two volumes (Band 2) — London, 1819

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To Palaio Phanari, probably Phrixa—Passage of the Alpbeios—Ruins of Phrixa—To Brina—
Kaiapha—Ruins of Saniikon—River Anigros—Caves of the Anagriades and Atlantides—
Khan of Agios Isodoros—Uncertainty concerning the situation of Pylos—Ruins of an
ancient city near Strobitza., probably Lepreos—River Boutzi, the Tseda—Town of Arkadia,
the ancient Cyparissiai—To Kleisoura—To Constantino—Danger of being taken by thieves—
Pass by a castle which was occupied by them—See them besieged in the village of Aletouri
—Captain of the thieves—Plain of Messenia—To Mauro Mati, the ancient Messene—Ruins
of a triangular bridge over the confluence of two rivers—Deserted monastery and mag-
nificent view—Village of Mauro Mati—Mount Ithome—Ruins—Panoramic view from its
summit—Ruins of Messene—Walls of the city—Great gates.


WE remained at Miraka and its vicinity for two days, and on the
27th of January proceeded on our journey. We descended by
gentle slopes to a plain, and crossed two streams, both of which are
tributary to the current of the Alpheios. The plain we had passed
was composed of the richest soil, but which had, nevertheless, in-
cited only a partial cultivation. This is, in fact, part of the Olympic
plain, but from which it is almost separated by the ridge of hills
near Miraka, that advance almost to the confines of the Alpheios.

We crossed the river in a monoxyhn; but the stream was so
rapid and intractable, that it was two hours and a half before we
had got ever}r thing over. As only one person at a time can em-
bark in the monoxylon, besides the two rowers, who sit at its oppo-
site extremities, it was necessary to row it frequently backwards
and forwards across the stream.

It is not probable that any bridge was ever erected over the Al-
pheios, in the vicinity of Olympia, owing to the impetuosity as well

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