Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Dodwell, Edward
A classical and topographical tour through Greece, during the years 1801, 1805, and 1806: in two volumes (Band 2) — London, 1819

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I shall give a description of it on my return from Thessaly, when
we passed over it into Doris. The great plain of Melis, with its
mountainous boundary, which once formed a conspicuous part of
the kingdom of Achilles,1 appears to have been afterwards parcelled
out into the different territories of theMalienses, iEnianes, Oeteeans,
Trachinii, or Herakleotai, and the Lamienses. The names of these
districts underwent such changes as have been productive of confu-
sion in the demarcation of their reciprocal situations and divisions.
The iEnianes, or Evir,ug, as they are denominated by Homer,2 were
situated on that division of Oeta from which theSpercheios flows,3 and
about Mount Tymphrestos, which, according to Strabo,* gave birth
to that river. Tymphrestos joined Mount Othrys. Both Strabo5 and
Heliodorus6 assert, that the iEnianes inhabited Oeta, and it would
appear that the}* had a capital named Ainea: I had the good
fortune to find a small copper coin of that town at Thermopylae;
on one side of which is the head of Jupiter, to whom Mount Oeta
was sacred,7 and on the reverse the head of a lance, and jaw-bone of
a boar, and AINIA EniKPATINHN.

I have seen a silver coin8 of this people, on which is the head of
Jupiter, and on the reverse a naked figure hurling a dart, and
AINIANON. As the country inhabited by the iEnianes bordered
on iEtolia,9 the Calydonian emblems are represented on their coins.
Other neighbouring towns have the same type: as Oeta and Am-

The Oetceans probably inhabited that part of the mountain be-
tween the Trachinii and the Ilypoknemidii. Their capital seems

1 Strabo, b. 9. p. 4-33. 43.3. " Iliad, 1. v. 47. 3 Herodot. b. 7. c. 12.

4 B. 9. p. 433. 5 B. 10. 6 B. 2. ■ Sophoc. Tracb. v. 203. 443. 1207.

s In the collection of Colonel Leake. a Strabo, b. 1. p. 61.

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