Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Dodwell, Edward
A classical and topographical tour through Greece, during the years 1801, 1805, and 1806: in two volumes (Band 2) — London, 1819

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to have had the same name as the mountain,1 and was founded,
according to Antoninus Liberalis,2 by Amphissor son of Apollo and
the nymph Dryope.

I found a small copper coin3 of this town also; one side is filled
with a lion's head; on the reverse is a long spear and the jaw-bone
of a boar, and OITAHN. I have also seen silver drachmas of the
same place with the following types,—lion's head;4 reverse, bow
and quiver, OITA:—lion's head ;5 reverse, a naked figure holding a
sword, OITAHN. The Trachinii, or Heracleotai, occupied a part
of the Meliensian territory, and the intermediate tract between the
Oetaeans and the iEnienses. The territory of the latter was pro-
bably contiguous to that of the Lamienses, whose capital was
Lamia, situated at the northern extremity of the plain. The Ma-
lienses or Melienses6 probably occupied the plain as far as the foot
of Mount Othrys.7 I found some coins of the Lamienses and Ma-
lienses, but they are not common. The types seen on those of
Lamia are the caduceus, diota, bunch of grapes, the head of
Minerva and of Bacchus, and Hercules with his bow and arrow
killing the Stymphalides, with the inscription AAMIEHN: on the
latter is the head of Minerva; reverse, a diota and MAAIEHN.
One similar to this is published by Eckhel.*

1 Towns which had the same name as the mountains on which they were situated, were
termed w^orojuot, homonomous, Ezechiel. Spanhem. observat. in Callimacli. Hymnuni in
Dianam, v. 99.

1 Metam. c. 32. 3 See Eckhel Numi veteres Anecdoti.—Pars. 1. tab. 6. p. 89.

4 In the collection of Mr. Burgou. 5 In the collection of Colonel Leake.

6 Thucyd. b. 3. c. 92. ' Antoninus Liberalis Metam. c. 22.

8 The following coins of Oeta of second brass, are published by Mionnet,__head of

Apollo; reverse, OITAIiiN, a lance, bunch of grapes, and jaw-bone of a boar:__an arrow

quiver, and jaw- bone; reverse, two shields and two lances:—head of a lion, and head of a
lance; reverse, 0ITAIX1N, Hercules erect with his club. Dr. Clarke found a silver coin of
this town at Delphi,—lion's head with an arrow in his mouth; icverse, figure of Hercules
with radiated head, holding his club. The inscription is from light to left NiilATIO. It
is in the collection of R. P. Knight, Esq. and there are others of the same type in the
British Museum.—See Dr. Clarke's Travels in Greece, vol. 4. c. 6. p. 197.