Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The Palace of Knossos: Provisional Report for the Year 1903 (in: The Annual of the British School at Athens, 9.1902/1903, S. 1-153) — London, 1903

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g6 A. J. Evans

Among the objects that seem to represent the most archaic elements
of this deposit (' Early Minoan') may be mentioned the following :—

(6) Black-faced pyxis (Fig. 65 />) with three short feet and triangular ornamen-
tation of incised lines filled with a white chalky substance, perhaps pounded
gypsum. Four holes round rim to fasten lid. Diameter 18 centimetres, height cj'5-

(7) Fragment of lid of another black-faced pyxis (Fig. 65 a), with punctuated
and linear decoration showing similar white filling.

(8) Lid of black-faced pyxis (Fig 65 c), with incised chevrons and vandykings,
enclosing punctuations. Traces of the same white filling. Diameter 15-5

Fig. 66.—Vases i-kom Iiakia- Deposit near k. Pillak Room.

(9) Two-handled jar with round mouth, 31 centimetres high, reddish colour of
the clay. On the front, incised rectangle with diagonal lines (Fig. 66 0).

(10) Similar jar, 29 centimetres high ; a pale clay colour above black below, a
red band round rim. The same incised decoration on the front (Fig. 66 c).

(n) Jar with four handles rising from shoulder, 15-5 centimetres high. It is
covered with a polished reddish-brown slip with white bands and decoration. On
the upper border, between two white bands, is a white design consisting of two
obtuse triangles with interior hatching, the apices of which are united. This