Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The Palace of Knossos: Provisional Report for the Year 1903 (in: The Annual of the British School at Athens, 9.1902/1903, S. 1-153) — London, 1903

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A. J. Evans

peculiarly Minoan type of vessel with irregular vertical streaks of brown
glaze on the plain clay surface, which resemble the tricklings down the
body of a pot of pitch or glue. This 'streaked' ware, as it may be called,
continued through the penultimate Palace Period but the streaks are more
sparse in the later examples. In its earlier and more thickly streaked form
it is seen on some pitlioi from the newly discovered Magazines below the
Upper Megaron at Phaestos, belonging like the jar before us to the Middle

Fig. 75.—Polychrome Vase (Middle Minoan), North-West Building.

Minoan Period. The Phaestos jars in question are surrounded on their
shoulders by six looped handles. It is therefore extremely interesting to
notice that among the ' foreign ' vessels discovered by Professor Petrie in
a proto-dynastic tomb at Abydos1 is a smaller streaked jar of the same

1 Now in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford. The great apparent chronological gap between
this and the Middle Minoan types in (jtiestion has yet to be explained.