Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur
The shaft graves and bee-hive tombs of Mycenae and their interrelation — London, 1929

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Prevalent Views of Earlier and Later Dynasty ...... i

Charcoal in Shaft Graves due to Fumigation, not Cremation .... 3

Masks and Jewellery fixed to Wooden Coffins ...... 4

The Gold Masks—a New Example ....... 8

Gold Crown and Ornaments fixed to Coffins . . . . . • 15

Burials without Coffins : Grave VI, Exceptional Example . . . .16

Mycenae Shaft Graves si/igeneris . . . . . . . -19

Burials in each Pit contemporary : none later . . . . . .21

Shaft Graves (except VI) simultaneously constructed and filled . . . .21

Date of Ceramic Contents : M. M. Ill a to L. M. I b .... 23

Metal Vessels similarly dated . . . . . . . .26

Jewellery and Decorative Motives: Minoan Origins . . . . .29

The Shaft-Grave Weapons; Antecedents equally Cretan . . . . 32

To what Extent were there non-Cretan Ingredients in the Shaft Graves? . . 41

Evidences of Trans-Aegean Influences from the North-East . . . .43

Supersession both of Exotic and of Hellado-Minyan Elements at Mycenae by purely

Minoan Culture . ... . . . . . .48

The Grave Stelae . . . . . . . . -5°

Minoan and ' Egypto-Minoan ' Affinities of Designs . . . . -5°

Position of Stelae over Shaft Graves—their Place originally within Tholoi . . 59

Transference of Remains to Grave Circle within Citadel Walls . . . .64

The Bee-Hive Tombs and the Place of the 'Treasury of Atreus' and 'Tomb

of Clytemnestra ' . . . . . . . . .66

Early Appearance at Mycenae of fully Minoized ' Atreus ' Type of Tholos-tomb . . 67

Early Use of Bronze Saw by Minoan Lapidaries . . . . . -7°

M. M. Ill Reliefs of Knossos parallel with those of Mycenae Facades . . -7'

The Elgin Slabs with Bull-reliefs found near the Entrance to the ' Atreus ' Tomb, and
their relation to the Painted Stucco Frieze of the North Entrance Porticoes at
Knossos . . . . . . . . . -77

Early Embossed Gold Plates from inside 'Atreus ' and ' Clytemnestra ' Tombs . . Sr

M. M. Ill Stone Vessels associated with the two great Mycenae Tholoi . . -83

General Conclusion ; Burials transferred from Bee-hive Tombs to Shaft

Graves in L. M. \b . . . . . . . .89

Evidences of Enduring Connexion between Knossos and Mycenae . . .90