Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur
The shaft graves and bee-hive tombs of Mycenae and their interrelation — London, 1929

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Early Embossed Gold Plates from inside ' Atreus ' and ' Clytemnestra'


Among the fragments of small gold plates brought out from the ' Atreus '
doorway by Stamatakis.1 one, developed for me by Monsieur Gillieron, fils,
in Fig. 58, formed part of a fine spiral and papyrus pattern of the same class

as that which decorated -

the ceiling of the Orcho-
menos chamber. From a
fragment in painted plaster
relief found by the Queen's
Megaron at Knossos, it
would appear that in its re-
stored form it was covered
by a stucco ceiling of simi-
lar design.

The fragment of gold
plate and the ceilings of
Knossos and Orchomenos
show this spiral and papyrus design in its fine early form, also illustrated by
Eighteenth-Dynasty Egyptian examples. On the Tiryns frieze 2 it appears
in a form closely dependent on that of the Knossos Megaron.

On the whole it seems safe to place the embossed fragment from the
1 Atreus' Tomb within the borders at least of the First Late Minoan Period.

But some of the thin gold roundels found in this tholos have distinctly
earlier associations.

A small round plate of thin gold (Fig. ;")!), a)3 found by Stamatakis
within the vault shows a triple S pattern in a simple form that recalls the
tradition of Early Minoan seal-stones.4 It must be regarded as a suggestive
circumstance that it recurs in a practically identical shape on a series of
embossed disks from the Fourth Shaft Grave.5

1 Wace, B. S. A., xxv, p. 334, Fig. 74 £ op. tit., p. 354, Fig. 74, g.

2 Schliemann, Tiryns, PI. V, pp. 298, 299 ; 4 See p. 31, Fig. 17, above, and cf. P. of M.,
Rodenwaldt, Fries des Megarons, PI. VII and ii. Pt. II, pp. 196, 197, and Figs. 105-7. More
p. 43 seqq. Dr. Rodenwaldt rightly recognized developed forms of these S patterns are en-

Fig. 58. Gold Plate with Embossed Design of
Spirals and Papyrus. Restored by Monsieur E. Gil-
lieron, fils : about 2 diameters.

the close relationship of the Tirynthian design
with that of the Knossian fragment reproduced
by him, op. cit., p. 45, Fig. 14.

3 Drawn by Monsieur Gillieron, fils, from
the original, enlarged 2 diameters. Cf. Wace,

graved on some of the ivory disks from the
tholos at Old Pylos illustrated by K. Mtiller,
Ath. Mitlh., xxiv, p. 285, Figs. 7, 8.

5 e. g. Schliemann, Mycenae, p. 265, no. 409.