Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur
The shaft graves and bee-hive tombs of Mycenae and their interrelation — London, 1929

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Fig. page

31. Bronze Spear-head of Mainland Type with Shoe-like Socket (Sesklo). . . 40

32. Bronze Halberd Blade with Gold-capped Rivets from Shaft Grave VI . .40

33. Part of Male Figure in Short-sleeved Tunic on Fresco Fragment from Knossos . 42

34. Perched Animal Forms on Metal Pins and Other Objects of Wide North-Eastern

Range .......... 44

35. a, Heads of Gold Pins, Grave IV ; b, Part of Antlers of Fallow Deer . . 45

36. Base Silver ' Rhyton ' in form of Red Deer from Shaft Grave IV . .46

37. Gold Ornaments of North-Eastern Origin from Shaft Grave III . . -47

38. Clay Seal-impression from Harbour Town, Knossos . ... . .50

39. 1 Egypto-Minoan ' Decorative Scrolls and their Reaction at Mycenae . . 51

40. a, Seal Pattern (C-Scrolls) on Stela VI, at Mycenae ; b, Running Pattern on same

Stela . . . . . . . . . -52

4t. Stela from Grave V . . . .... . . - S3

42. Later Stela from Shaft Grave V . . . . . -55

43. Gold Signet-ring from Shaft Grave IV with Stag-hunt . . . 58

44. Sepulchral Area within Orthostatic Circle on Artificial Walled Mound, Mycenae . 60

45. Stela from Chamber Tomb IV, Mavro Spelio, Knossos, bevelled off for Insertion into

Floor . . . . . . . . . .61

46. Orthostatic Stone Fence round the Paved Area above Circle of Graves, showing

Dowel Holes for Wooden Struts . . . . . .64

47. The Grave Circle at Mycenae and its Surroundings, showing the Bulge in the

Enceinte Walls . . . . . . . . 65

48. Fragment of Rosette Band from M. M. Ill a Portal of S. Propylaeum, Knossos . 72

49. Section of Rosette . . . . . . . . -73

50. Part of Frieze from 'Atreus'Tomb ....... 73

51. Limestone Band with Half-Rosettes and 'Triglyphs' from Original Entrance Portal

N.W. of Palace, Knossos . . . . . . -74

52. Part of Limestone Band with Half-Rosettes and 'Triglyphs' from Facade of 'Atreus'

Tomb, British Museum . ....... 74

53. Spiral Band from Mycenae in Nauplia Museum . . . . -75

54. Part of Spiral Band (restored from other Fragments) and Section of Border : S.W.

Porch, Knossos . . . . . . . . 75

55. Painted Stucco Relief of Head of Charging Bull, W. Portico of N. Entrance, Knossos 78

56. Charging Bull, completed from Relief on Gypsum Slab found near Entrance of

' Atreus' Tomb, Mycenae (Elgin Coll.) . . . . -79

57. Part of Relief of Stationary Bull on Gypsum Slab from Mycenae : restored (Elgin Coll.) 80

58. Gold Plate with Embossed Design of Spirals and Papyrus. Restored by Monsieur

E. Gillieron, fils: about 2 diameters . . . . . . 8r

59. Gold Embossed Roundels with Simple Scrolls and Triquetras, from 'Atreus' and

' Clytemnestra' Tombs ........ 82

60. Fragments of Cylindrical Pot with Grooves and Holes for Inlays : with Sections of the

same: Dromos of ' Atreus' Tomb . . . . . .83