Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Band 4,2): Camp-stool Fresco, long-robed priests and beneficent genii [...] — London, 1935

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J-;i.i7. Epilogue: Part IV.

Traces of Catastrophe to Monument at end of. L. M. I a.—evidence of
Earthquake victims within Pillar Crypt—wholesale burial of. remains there ■
Associated pottery L.M. Id.; Much rough rebuilding of structure at this
epoch; Basement entrance hall and stairs to roof terrace—primitive hey;
Small Court with massive paving and verandah; Possibility of egress for
Guardian from inner Staircase; Exterior connexions of Monument with
' High Priests House' and, by the Great South Road, to Town and Palace;
Entrance at N. E. corner and ' bridge' passage to roof of Pavilion; Paved
Court in front of Pavilion suitable for ceremonial rites and sports—roof
terrace vantage ground for spectators; Flower vases placed on roof terrace ;
Glimpses of formal Minoau flower garden from Harbour Town of
Amnisos; Rock chamber re-used for burial; Pit with sepulchral relics;
Ivory comb; Cylindrical alabaster vase; Large globular vessel of 'Palace
Style] [L. M. II) with ' three C's ' pattern ; Group of miniature vases—
child's toys; Human remains beside pit and entrance; Old man's skull
of mixed A rmeuoid and ' Mediterranean' type and child's bones [explaining the
toy vases); Skeletons originally on floor or in coffins; Pit for relics paralleled
in ' Tomb of Tripod Hearth'; Incense burner or fumigator—ceremonial
type with painted decoration; Its brilliant foliage typically L. M. II; Striated
sprays as Tell-el-A mama vase-painting, but of Kuossiau tradition, derived
from palm-leaves; Traces of Snake Cult—small ' milk-jugs' on roof terrace
identical with those of ' Snake Room'; Evidences of later memorial cult;
Offertory vases, L. HI. II-L. M. Ill a—no later sherds; Abrupt termination
of memorial cult.

Evidences of a Great Catastrophe towards the Close of L. M. I a:
Remains of Earthquake Victims.

Traces of A later sepulture within the rock-cut chamber, full materials relating

9"a1 . to which came to light, is best reserved for description in the concluding

strophe at , .1

end of part of this Section. The occasion of the original plundering of this royal
tomb is itself amply supplied by the widespread evidences of a great
destruction suffered by the whole structure towards the close of the L. M. I a

Of the extent and the tragic nature of that catastrophe, a moving
record has survived, immediately outside the rock-cut sepulchre itself, i'1

L. M. I a.